Capstone Projects
Best Practices For Improving Registered Nurse RetentionTurnover of registered nurses is an increasing concern for hospitals because of its negative impact on patient care, patient satisfaction, and financial stability. New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) requested a Capstone team to examine past and current …
Capstone Projects
Sustainable Consumption of SpaceUN-Habitat focuses on the promotion of sustainable patterns of urban growth worldwide, with the ultimate vision of adequate shelter for all. The Capstone team was engaged to work with officials in Santa Marta, Colombia, to assist in the development of a …
Capstone Projects
Evaluation of a Development Program in GuatemalaTrickle Up is a New York-based international development nonprofit that supports people living in extreme poverty by providing livelihood training, savings group formation, and seed capital grants to launch or expand livelihood activities. Trickle Up …
Capstone Projects
Global Message TestingThe UN Free and Equal Campaign is the first global education initiative on LGBT equality, sponsored by the United Nations Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (UN OHCHR) and the Purpose Foundation. The campaign was launched in South Africa in …
Capstone Projects
Advancing Resiliency: A Green Stormwater Mitigation PlanFollowing Superstorm Sandy, the City of Long Beach began a comprehensive planning process to determine appropriate solutions for minimizing the impact of severe weather events. The Capstone team was tasked with creating a green stormwater mitigation plan …
Environmental, Social, Governance InvestingThe most common Mission-Related Investment (MRI) approaches include socially responsible investing (SRI), and environmental, social, and governance (ESG). While private investments generally account for 20% of an institutional investment portfolio, public …Capstone Projects
Department of Public Works ConsolidationResidents’ demand for lower taxes and improved public services has compelled neighboring municipalities across New York State to investigate possibilities for partnerships in service provision. The Village of Hastings-on-Hudson was considering …
Capstone Projects
Travel-Time Savings Resulting from Investments in the NYC Transit SystemThe Move NY campaign has developed a plan to relieve traffic congestion and improve roads, bridges, and public transit in New York City. The plan calls for an overhaul of the City’s current tolling regime by implementing congestion pricing, which would …
Managing Humanitarian ChallengesIn 2016, the United Nations Secretary General noted in the World Humanitarian Summit Outcome Report that, “Armed conflicts and other violent situations, disasters caused by natural hazards and the impacts of climate change, health threats, soaring …Course
Grammar FundamentalsThis 0-credit workshop will drill down on fundamentals of written English. We will cover punctuation, articles, passive/active voice, how and when to cite others’ work and best practices for self editing. Our focus will be on memos, but the lessons will …Course
The Practice of Work: Individual, Interpersonal and Organizational EffectivenessOpen only to students in the MSPP program. The title of this course is meant to evoke a double meaning. First, the “practice” of work refers to the idea that it is important to practice something, to rehearse, to try things out. Being an intern* in an …Course
Housing Policy IThis is the first course in a two-course sequence in housing policy, with an emphasis on major federal policies and the connection between housing, place and opportunity. This first course explores the historic, economic and social context of current …Course
Corporate Philanthropy and EngagementCorporate philanthropy and engagement is an evolving space which is critical to the existence and operation of nonprofit organizations. The role of the private sector in helping nonprofits achieve their mission, serve their clients and realize their …Stories
NYU Wagner’s 7th Annual Day of ServiceDuring the spring semester, NYU Wagner students across the country came together to participate in the annual WagnerCares Day of Service. In addition to service projects in New York City, alumni in the Bay Area, Washington DC, and Los Angeles …
What Passes and Fails as Health Policy and ManagementThe field of health policy and management (HPAM) faces a gap between theory, policy and practice. Despite decades of efforts at reforming health policy and health care systems, prominent analysts state that the health system is ‘‘stuck’’ and that models …
Current Issues in Reproductive Healthcare Management and PolicyThis class will utilize a hands-on and practical approach to understanding reproductive healthcare in the context of policy and management. Students will have the opportunity to think through real-world case studies and engage with relevant reproductive …Stories
Voices of LGBTQ business leaders amplified thanks to NYU Wagner alumTwenty years ago, there were few possibility models for transgender or queer entrepreneurs. Fortunately, in today’s evolving global workforce, LGBTQ leaders and entrepreneurs are carving a path for their successors to maximize their success by being …
Environmental Infrastructure for Sustainable CitiesThis class is about the infrastructure systems that make up the built environment of cities, and that can make cities more or less sustainable and equitable. As humans face concurrent crises of climate change and inequality, most of the earth’s population …Course
Disability, Policy and Leadership-Building an Accessible WorldAdvancements in awareness and understanding have led to greater equity and inclusion in society for people with disabilities and health conditions. Developments such as the establishment of Disability Studies as an interdisciplinary field in the 1980’s …Course
Management Consulting for Public Service OrganizationsManagement consultants work in all corners of the public and nonprofit sectors on every imaginable topic—from organizational strategy to technology implementation, education to migration. But what is management consulting? Why do so many public service …Course
Strategic Communications for AdvocacyOrganizational storytelling both effectively communicates an organization’s mission and builds empathy for its cause. A story is more than an exposition, climax, and resolution. Effective storytelling weaves a narrative that tells a systemic story about …Course
Urban DesignThis course, “Urban Design— Visualization Tools & Neighborhood Challenges,” will introduce students to visualization techniques in a series of linked exercises during the first half of the semester; in the second half of the semester, students will …Course
Water Sourcing and Climate ChangeIn the coming decades, water will be the central issue in global economic development and health. With one in six people around the world currently lacking access to safe drinking water (1.2 billion people), and more than two out of six lacking adequate …Capstone Projects
Nonprofit Voter EngagementCommon Cause NY provides a voice for citizens in support of open, honest, and accountable government at all levels. Community Votes, a nonprofit organization, partners with community-based social service organizations to conduct nonpartisan voter …