Commentary on China’s Response to the Coronavirus PandemicAn epidemic is like a fire: its origin and the conditions under which it spreads determine the extent of damage. The initial outbreak and epidemic of Covid-19 began in China in November, 2019, before spreading to the rest of the planet. It seems to us, …
Capstone Projects
SUPPORTING ASSESSMENT OF THE TANZANIA COUNTRY PROGRAMThe World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) provides objective assessments on the Bank’s development projects and objectives. IEG enlisted a Capstone team to assess the impact of the Bank’s development projects on resilient spatial transformation …
Capstone Projects
STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE DATA AND COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICESNew York Peace Institute (NYPI) is a community dispute and resolution center (CDRC) that provides mediation, conflict coaching, group facilitation, and restorative justice services to promote peace in Manhattan and Brooklyn communities. Research around …
Capstone Projects
EXPLORING THE FINANCIAL HEALTH OF FAMILIES IN CHINAConsidering China's rapid development over the last thirty years, new and distinct financial groups have emerged among China's 1.4 billion residents. A Capstone team explored the Composite Financial Status (CFS)-a measure of overall financial health-of …
Alumni In Action
Scott ClarkeBetween 2006 and 2007, Scott Clarke (MPA 2008) spent a year working at a youth development organization in South Africa. It wasn’t long, however until he recognized that what he was doing was not addressing the scale of the need he saw in the country. He …
Alumni in Action: Sean Thomas Breitfeld (MPA-PNP)"NYU Wagner's management classes helped me see that there's not as much distance between the more theoretical writing and what I was seeing, experiencing, and doing as an organizer." After attending NYU Wagner, Sean became Co-Director of the Building …
Opening the market for lower cost hearing aids: Regulatory change can improve the health of older AmericansHearing loss is a leading cause of disability among older people. Yet only one in seven US adults who could benefit from a hearing aid uses one. This fraction has not increased over the past 30 years, nor have hearing aid prices dropped, despite trends of …
Data Analytics Training Program Draws 60 Enrollees in its Inaugural YearThe inaugural cohort of the Executive Program in Applied Data Analytics includes 60 enrollees from three countries and 11 states—a diverse array of skilled professionals working for local, state, and federal agencies, according to its New York University …
Capstone Projects
State Cannabis Laws and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Admissions In 2017, over 70,000 Americans died from drug overdose. An emerging body of research suggests that medical cannabis (MC) legalization policies can serve as a response to the opioid epidemic and are associated with decreases in overdose death, opioid …
Capstone Projects
EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF NEW FINANCIAL AND SERVICE MODELS Opening Act is committed to advancing arts equity in New York City and beyond by providing free, high-quality theater programming to the city’s highest need schools. The organization works in 57 schools throughout NYC and has served over 5,000 young …
Capstone Projects
REENVISIONING THE NORTH AND WEST SHORE INDUSTRIAL WATERFRONTSThe NYC Department of City Planning is the city’s primary land use agency, and its Staten Island Office (DCPSI) is instrumental in shaping the built environment and economic activity in Staten Island. Competing visions and goals for the future of the …
Capstone Projects
DEVELOPING AN INTRAPRENEURSHIP CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMThe New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) is a city agency that provides shared services to support the operations of NYC’s government. Although the agency has over 2,000 employees spanning 13 units and various internal and …
The Link Between University R&D, Human Capital and Business StartupsJulia Lane, Nathan Goldschlag, Ron Jarmin, Nikolas Zolas … The Link Between University R&D, Human Capital and Business Startups …
Proximity and economic activity: An analysis of vendor-university transactionsNathan Goldschlag, Julia Lane, Bruce A. Weinberg, Nikolas Zolas … Proximity and economic activity: An analysis of vendor-university …
The conceptual and empirical frameworkNathan Goldschlag, Julia Lane, Bruce A. Weinberg, Nikolas Zolas … The conceptual and empirical framework …
Proximity and Economic Activity: An Analysis of Vendor-Business TransactionsJulia Lane, Nathan Goldschlag, Bruce A. Weinberg, Nikolas Zolas … Proximity and Economic Activity: An Analysis of Vendor-Business …
Takin' it to the StreetsPerhaps not since the 1960s has the world witnessed so many large-scale demonstrations. In Iran, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Bolivia, Britain, Iraq, Haiti, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Spain, Algeria, Sudan, and other countries, vast throngs …
Informal Work and Protest: Undocumented Immigrant Activism in France, 1996-2000Nominally, the wave of protests by undocumented immigrants that swept through France in the late 1990s successfully challenged the restrictive Pasqua immigration laws. However, despite appearances, the mass movement was at base a labour protest: …
Sociodemographic and Behavioral Characteristics of HIV Antibody-Positive Blood DonorsThis paper describes the sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics of 173 blood donors who were confirmed by Western blot tests to have antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the etiologic agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome …
Minimum Parking Requirements, Transit Proximity and Development in New York CityNew York City policymakers are planning for a city of over 9 million residents by 2030, a large increase from today. A central goal of City officials is to accommodate this increase while simultaneously improving the City’s overall environmental …
Financial development and pathways of growth: State branching and deposit insurance laws in the United States from 1900 to 1940This paper studies the effect of state-level banking regulation on financial development and on components of state-level growth in the United States from 1900 to 1940. We use these banking laws to assess the findings of a large recent literature that has …
School-based strategies to prevent violence, trauma and psychopathology: The challenges of going to scaleChildren's trauma-related mental health problems are widespread, largely untreated and constitute significant barriers to academic achievement and attainment. Translational research has begun to identify school-based interventions to prevent violence, …
Introduction to the IssuesOverview The IRB system, and the accompanying regulatory framework, were designed primarily with biomedical research as the model. Yet IRB review also applies to social science. There is a sense in the social science world that this the framework (as …
Landing Page
Master of Urban PlanningMASTER OF URBAN PLANNING Study urban planning in NYC, where ideas meet urban realities. "I hope I can improve the quality of life of people in cities by creating vibrant and sustainable environments where everyone can thrive." -Alejandro Martinez (MUP …