GradesGrading Policy Students will receive grades according to the following scale: A = 4.000 points A- = 3.667 points B+ = 3.333 points B = 3.000 points B- = 2.667 points C+ = 2.333 points C = 2.000 points C- = 1.667 points F (fail) = 0.0 points (A) Excellent: …
NYU announces an MS in Health Law and Strategy for professionalsNew York University is announcing the establishment of an MS in Health Law and Strategy (MS HLS) for experienced professionals from a broad range of health-related fields and backgrounds. Offered jointly by NYU School of Law and NYU Wagner Graduate School …
Alumni Spotlight: Madina P. Ouedraogo (MPA 2020)What motivated you to attend the Wagner School of Public Service and pursue its Master of Public Administration program? I chose NYU Wagner because I wanted to attend a school that was rooted in public service. Wagner is not just a public policy school …
Urban Planning Student AssociationMission The Urban Planning Student Association's (UPSA) mission is to foster a supportive extracurricular environment for NYU Wagner's Urban Planning students that seeks to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of various planning issues. UPSA …
Capstone Projects
Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and Nursing FacilityThe residents first two months were spent working with the Associate Director of Quality Management preparing and planning for the 2002 JCAHO Survey, followed by the NYSDOH Article 28/CMS Title 18 Survey. The residents duties entailed updating manuals, …
Capstone Projects
Womens Health and Health Maintenance Organizations: Screening and Preventive ServicesManaged care programs were originally formed to control rising healthcare costs. Their concept was to improve membership health status, and in effect, control healthcare costs. It is believed that provision of both preventive and screening services can …
For Veterans & Military Connected StudentsAfter you’ve been admitted to NYU, complete the paperwork through the VA . Access your DD-214 . Certificate of Eligibility Letter (COE) will be mailed, indicating the chapter and eligible benefit(s). Chapter 31 veterans: your case manager will issue an …
Adverse Health Effects, Environmental Attitudes, and Pesticide Usage Behavior of Farm OperatorsWater pollution from agricultural pesticides continues to be a public concern. Given that the use of such pesticides on the farm is largely governed by voluntary behavior, it is important to understand what drives farmer behavior. Health belief models in …
Capstone Projects
LAUNCHING A GLOBAL YOUTH GRANTMAKING PROGRAMIn 2020, the Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN) partnered with the Aspen Institute to launch the Youth Innovation Fund, which provides micro-grants to youth addressing challenges in their local communities related to the United Nations Sustainable …
High-Speed Rail Projects in the U.S.: Identifying the Elements for Success, Interim Report” Preliminary Review of Cases and Recommendations for Phase 2The goal of this study, funded by the Mineta Transportation Institute is to identify lessons learned for successfully developing and implementing HSR in the United States. There are very few broad statements that can be made of HSGT in the United States. …
Behavior Changes After Notification of HIV InfectionTo learn more about how people who did not volunteer for testing react to information about HIV infection, we assessed short-term behavior changes in HIV-positive blood donors. Methods. Blood donors who were notified at the New York Blood Center that they …
Microfinance Meets the MarketIn this paper, we examine the economic logic behind microfinance institutions and consider the movement from socially oriented nonprofit microfinance institutions to for-profit microfinance. Drawing on a large dataset that includes most of the world's …
Racial Segregation in Multiethnic Schools: Adding Immigrants to the AnalysisRacial segregation in America's schools remains persistently and disturbingly high, despite decades of institutional and policy changes. This paper considers one recent change common to many urban school districts - immigration - and examines whether and …
Faculty Profile
Crystal RileyCrystal A. Riley, PharmD, MHA, MBA is a Lecturer of Health Administration at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. She is also the Deputy Director of Government Policy & Reimbursement for Baxter Healthcare Corporation in Washington, …
Alumni In Action
Edna MariñelarenaPlease describe how your experiences at NYU Wagner prepared you for your career? The coursework provided me with the knowledge and skills needed to work in finance. When I first started at Moody’s, I covered credit within the municipal space and I drew …
Capstone Projects
Comparing Electronic Medical Record ImplementationPaper-based data collection methods are still common in health clinics around the world. Implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) has the potential to ensure more accurate data, reduce storage costs, and increase efficiency at these health clinics …
Linda Gibbs named as Distinguished Visiting Urbanist at NYU Wagner for Fall, 2022NYU Wagner is pleased to announce that Linda Gibbs will join NYU Wagner as Distinguished Visiting Urbanist for the Fall of 2022. During her time collaborating with students and faculty, the former New York City Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services …
Impressed to Inspired: A Conversation with the NYU Wagner Alum Behind New York’s Grassroots Housing Movement by: Rhea Almeida (MPA-PNP) “I spent three weeks looking for a place in Brooklyn and almost died,” a friend and fellow Wagner student said about his experience house-hunting in New York City. As a first-year graduate student, I faced my own challenges …
Capstone Projects
BREAKING BARRIERS: NYC CASH ASSISTANCE ENHANCEMENTSThe Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FPWA) is an anti-poverty policy and advocacy organization with a century-long presence in New York City. As part of its mission of dismantling impediments to economic security and wellbeing, FPWA engaged the …
Capstone Projects
NAVIGATING THE PHYSICIAN SHORTAGE IN THE US HEALTHCARE SYSTEMHow should healthcare systems in the US navigate physician shortage? The COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to this shortage, but other long-term challenges, such as an aging baby-boomer population and climate change, may further stress physician supply. …
Alumni In Action
Alda ChanHow did being in New York impact your professional journey? There's nowhere quite like New York City to study urban planning, policy and design—the City is a living lab of the complex issues we tackle in the classroom and the sheer concentration of urban …
Alumni In Action
Zainab AliHow did being in New York impact your professional journey? New York City has the largest school system in the country. When I was at Wagner the system had already been undergoing reform for several years under Mayor Michael Bloomberg, so there truly …
Alumni In Action
Alejandro MartinezHow did you find your first post-NYU Wagner job? I graduated as the COVID pandemic was starting (May 2020) and was disrupting New York and New Yorkers in multiple ways. I immediately started looking for opportunities where I could contribute with my …
Capstone Projects
Strategies to Combat Payday Lending in Mississippi"The Mississippi Center for Justice is a nonprofit, public interest law firm committed to advancing racial and economic justice. The Capstone team was engaged to synthesize information about the payday lending industry in Mississippi and the effects such …