Capstone Projects
LEVERAGING LOCAL LEADERSHIP FOR GUN SAFETY ADVOCACYEverytown for Gun Safety is a nonprofit organization that advocates for gun control and against gun violence. Its Local Government Affairs team collaborates with the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) coalition, composed of mayors and local officials, and …
Alumni In Action
Stephanie SkryzowskiWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? I chose Wagner because of the experiential education that is part of the MPA curriculum. I knew that I wanted to graduate not only with classroom experience but also with practical experience that I could …
Student Spotlight: Brian Charles (MHA 2023)What motivated you to attend the Wagner School of Public Service? I felt that I was at a point in my career where I needed to broaden my knowledge of the healthcare industry if I was going to be competitive professionally. I believed that the online MHA …
Toward a Mandatory Working Policy for MenLawrence Mead addresses the problem of nonwork among low-income men, particularly low-income black men, and its implications for families and children. The poor work effort, he says, appears to be caused partly by falling wages and other opportunity …
Alumni In Action
Lisa MaherWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? I wanted a Master’s degree program that would allow me to continue working and growing in a professional setting and go to school at the same time. How would you describe your experience as a Wagner student? …
Alumni in Action: Leading the Conversation about Race and Identity in Nonprofit Leadership"NYU Wagner's management classes helped me see that there's not as much distance between the more theoretical writing and what I was seeing, experiencing, and doing as an organizer." After attending NYU Wagner, Sean became Co-Director of the Building …
Capstone Projects
Healthy Food Access in Underserved Urban Areas"The Capstone team studied the problems associated with a lack of access to healthy food in underserved urban neighborhoods, and how planners can help rectify the situation. Grocery stores and supermarkets are common in suburbs, but in many poor …
Capstone Projects
Identifying Needs and Exploring Options for Affordable Housing in a Changing Manhattan Neighborhood"The Capstone team provided the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC) with information to help the organization see the current state of the community and evaluate the feasibility of affordable housing construction in the context of …
The Role of the Nonprofit Board in Double Bottom Line InvestingNonprofits can use their investment policy to further their mission and hold corporations socially responsible for their actions. Colin C. Chellman, Dwight V. Denison, and Meryle G. Weinstein draw from strategic management literature to discuss the key …
About The Labor InitiativeThe NYU Wagner Labor Initiative explores, advocates for, and accelerates the often-untapped potential of government in safeguarding and advancing workers' rights. The Labor Initiative helps government work for workers, by serving as a hub of analysis, …
Making Ends Meet: Women and Poverty in New York City In March 2009, The Network in collaboration with the New York Women's Foundation will release a new report on women living in poverty in New York City. The dynamic study will include qualitative data as well as narratives from women about the impact of …
People and Place in Low-Income Housing PolicyThe articles in this forum appearing in Housing Policy Debate help update the evidence on two key housing policies and help frame the broader issues. The title of this focus issue, People AND Place, captures two key points raised in the articles but which …
The Color Bind: Talking (and not Talking) about Race at WorkSince the 1960s, the dominant model for fostering diversity and inclusion in the United States has been the “color blind” approach, which emphasizes similarity and assimilation and insists that people should be understood as individuals, not as members of …
Capstone Projects
ASSESSING PATIENT ADVOCACY WITHIN THE BLOOD AND BLEEDING DISORDER COMMUNITYThe National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) is an advocacy group supporting individuals with hereditary blood and bleeding disorders. NBDF has worked on a rebranding initiative to extend its reach within the blood and bleeding disorder community. …
Alumni In Action
Kathleen Wetzel ApltauerCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? The courses I teach include International Capstone: Advanced Projects, Economics of International Development, and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning in Global Affairs. My evaluation work focuses on …
Alumni Spotlight: Lilian Liu (MPA 2015)In the Spring 2024 Global Public Service Newsletter, the Wagner Office of International Programs connected with Wagner alumna, Lilian Liu (MPA 2015) . Where do you work? Describe your current job. I have been working in corporate sustainability for over …
Alumni In Action
Seth KerrCan you tell us a bit about your job and your job responsibilities? I'm a Leadership Fellow at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Currently, I'm placed with the Office of Sustainability for my final rotation. My main focus is developing the …
Alumni In Action
Elisabeth YoungPlease describe why you chose NYU Wagner for graduate school? I chose NYU Wagner because of its specializations, faculty, and network. At the time I applied, I wasn't sure I wanted to stay in New York and I knew that Wagner had a network that spanned the …
Student Spotlight: Bonnie Tang (MPA 2024)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? Urban Policy is what initially motivated me to attend Wagner! Housing has always been an ongoing discussion in NYC and being a native New Yorker, I’ve always known Wagner as the best school …
Alumni In Action
Mhando MbughuniHow did your experiences at NYU Wagner prepare you for your career? I needed a transition to public policy and governance. One of the most invaluable experiences I had at NYU is that I was pushed to think critically. This, in turn, helped me develop …
Alumni In Action
Jasiel Martin-OdoomPlease describe why you chose NYU Wagner for graduate school? I wanted to get a clearer understanding of how policy, entrepreneurship, and innovation intersect. While there are a lot of investment programs in the country that touch on one or two pieces of …
AV GuideStart a meeting scheduled through the Google Calendar associated with the room On the in-room control panel, scroll to the meeting that you would like to start. Press Start on the screen. Start a new and unscheduled meeting hosted by the room On the …
Faculty Profile
Rain HendersonAs the Founder of Elemental Advisors, Rain supports leaders at all levels to make meaningful change in their part of the world. Sought for exceptional strategy and management skills, Elemental specializes in capturing their clients’ vision and building …
Capstone Projects
Green Roofs: A Cost Effective Policy for New York City?Green roofs serve as an innovative strategy to help cities develop sustainable practices that contribute to the restoration of their natural habitat. Dense urban development and neglect have jeopardized New York Citys environment and created a situation …