What Happens after an Abortion Denial? A Review of Results from the Turnaway StudyWe provide a brief overview of the Turnaway Study, the first study to collect longitudinal data on individual women who received versus were denied a wanted abortion in the United States. The study team collected data on nearly 1,000 women seeking an …
Capstone Projects
Improving the Municipal Waste Management System of KaolackWith the support of the Institut Africain de Gestion Urbaine (IAGU), a Senegalese NGO and a technical expert in urban management, the Capstone team studied the waste management systems of Kaolack, Senegal. Kaolack is a rapidly growing urban area with a …
Capstone Projects
Infrastructure Financing in Southeast Asia after DecentralizationDuring the past twenty years, Southeast Asia has witnessed a great push towards decentralization and increased responsibilities for subnational governments. Among these responsibilities, financing urban infrastructure poses some of the greatest …
NYU Wagner Recipients of President's Service Award for 2018On April 24, three NYU Wagner student organizations and two NYU Wagner students were honored at the 34th Annual President’s Service Awards . Held at the NYU Kimmel Center for University Life, the award ceremony honored more than 40 groups and nearly 100 …
A world without prisons: Improving prisoners' lives and transforming the justice systemCassandra Shaylor and Cynthia Chandler founded Justice Now in 2000. They push hard for prison abolition while advocating for better health care and conditions for prisoners in California's two largest women's prisons. They prioritize the leadership of …
More than Just Exercise: Walking in Today's CitiesTransportation planners, policymakers, urban designers, and activists have expended considerable effort over the past few decades promoting walking as one of several alternatives to driving. More recently, the public health benefit of a physically active …
Program OverviewProgram of Study The program of study includes coursework, a preliminary qualifying examination, two comprehensive field examinations, a third-year research paper, regular participation in the NYU Wagner Research Colloquium throughout the degree, and a …
NYU Wagner Professor Robertson Work Facilitates UN Task Team WorkshopNYU Wagner Adjunct Professor Robertson Work recently facilitated a two-day participatory workshop for the UN Task Team of Habitat III , the UN’s upcoming global conference on sustainable urban development. On April 14-15 , Professor Work led the …
NYU Wagner Announces Five Fellowship Recipients NYU Wagner is delighted to announce that five highly accomplished incoming students have been selected as the recipients of our named Fellowships for the fall of 2014. Chosen by screening judges, the students are poised to begin their graduate …
Do Economically Integrated Neighborhoods Have Economically Integrated Schools?The goal of this book, the first in a series, is to bring policymakers, practitioners, and scholars up to speed on the state of knowledge on various aspects of urban and regional policy. What do we know about the effectiveness of select policy approaches, …
The Relationship of Sustainability to TelecommunicationsAlthough telecommunications networks are central to modern urban life, scholars and policymakers have largely ignored the relationship of sustainability to telecommunications. Telecommunications can affect sustainability as a result of the complex, …
Capstone Projects
The Role of Partnerships and Participation in Local Economic Development in AfricaAs urban populations in developing countries continue to grow, cities are becoming an increasingly critical component to economic stabilization as well as to overall national development. Recognizing such urban migration patterns and the underlying …
Dual DegreesNYU Wagner offers dual degrees in partnership with several other NYU schools. Adding a master's degree in Public Administration or Urban Planning to an existing program helps you learn the critical skills to enhance the impact you'll have on the world. …
Family Networks and Youth Access to JobsExamines the importance of job access via networks for the employment of urban youth in the U.S. Usefulness of social contacts in job referral; Proxies for labor market contacts; Determinants of youth labor market outcomes. … O'Regan, K. & Quigley, J.M. … …
Student Spotlight: Maggie Huang (MUP 2025)Maggie Huang (MUP 2025), chair, First Generation Student Association Can you share a bit about yourself and what inspired you to attend a school of public service? I’m a born and raised New Yorker, so I’ve spent my entire life being immersed in a built …
Capstone Projects
Bronx Health REACHBronx Health REACH is a coalition of over 40 community-based organizations and partners whose mission is to eliminate ethnic and racial health disparities, specifically in the Southwest Bronx. The Resident was involved in two main initiatives including …
Cutback Budgeting: The Long-Term ConsequencesAnalyzes whether short-term cutbacks made during a fiscal crisis become permanent once fiscal conditions improve. Economic and fiscal history of New York City from the 1970s through the 1980s; Framework for studying the long-term effects of budgetary …
Writing SupportTHE WAGNER WRITING CENTER All the best intentions and brilliant ideas in the world are for naught if they aren’t communicated clearly. In fact, in an era when think tanks have become content creators, public services use texts and tweets to help their …
Who’s Involved The members of the International Working Group included: Marco Cangiano served as Assistant Director of the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department and Head of its Public Financial Management Division, as well as a member of the Public Expenditure and …
WAGTalk: Katherine O'Regan, "The Geography of Opportunity in America"Drawing on her experience from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Professor Katherine O'Regan shares her research on what she calls one of the defining issues of our time: how location plays a role in upward mobility. … WAGTalk: …
PNP - International - ChecksheetMPA-PNP: INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND MANAGEMENT I. DEGREE CORE REQUIREMENTS [15 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive the following courses: … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [9 credits] Students must complete the following courses: … III. …
Faculty Profile
Domingo MorelDomingo Morel is an Associate Professor at New York University's Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and holds a joint appointment in NYU's Wilf Family Department of Politics . His research focuses on racial and ethnic politics, urban politics, …
Capstone Projects
THE APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASEInstitut Pasteur is a nonprofit foundation and international leader in biomedical research, focusing on the research advancement of human health and medical progress. Institut Pasteur has an existing network of 33 centers across the globe and is opening …
Alumni In Action
Michelle R. WongWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? The people, academics, and location influenced my decision to study at Wagner. I asked myself what I wanted to gain in terms of skills, non-classroom opportunities, living experience, and an alumni network. …