Capstone Projects
An Examination of the Human Resources Practices for Select Employee Categories at the United Cerebral Palsy of New York City.United Cerebral Palsy of New York City (UCP/NYC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to servicing individuals with developmental disabilities. Like many other service providers in this sector, UCP/ NYC is facing high employee turnover and is …
Capstone Projects
Downtown Yonkers Comprehensive PlanDowntown Yonkers, located on the Hudson River in lower Westchester, just north of New York City, was once a thriving area. As with many cities in the Northeast, the loss of manufacturing and the rise of regional shopping centers sapped much of the citys …
Capstone Projects
Women at the Gay Mens Health CrisisGay Mens Health Crisis (GMHC), New York Citys oldest not-for-profit AIDS advocacy and service organization, engaged the Capstone team to analyze current program policies and procedures. The team designed a three-pronged project comprised of diverse …
Capstone Projects
Improving HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy Development and Implementation at Indian BPO FirmsThe Global Business Coalition is a corporate membership organization helping corporations identify and implement programs within their businesses to address diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Many of these corporations utilize Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) …
Capstone Projects
The Global Health Research Agenda: A Case-Study ApproachScarce funding for health research is a problem that affects many countries. The problem is particularly acute for low-income countries, as they suffer from the double constraints of limited financial resources to fund necessary research themselves and …
Capstone Projects
The Global Health Research Agenda: A Case-Study ApproachScarce funding for health research is a problem that affects many countries. The problem is particularly acute for low-income countries, as they suffer from the double constraints of limited financial resources to fund necessary research themselves and …
Capstone Projects
Nicaragua: Water Access, Sanitation, and Natural DisastersDespite abundant water resources, contamination, weak institutions, and poor quality infrastructure have left much of Nicaragua without access to safe water and sanitation services. Throughout the country, the rural poor remain the population most in …
Capstone Projects
Improving NYC Schools through Innovative Best PracticesUnder the outdated "industrial model" of education utilized in New York City public schools, many students are ill prepared for the challenges they are faced with when they enter the work force. To partially mitigate these problems, the NYC Department of …
The Changing Shape of GovernmentWithout discounting the significant downsizing that has occurred, only one of the two ingredients for a leaner, more efficient government is in place. The girth of government-measured by the total number of federal employees-may be shrinking, but its …
Alumni In Action
Maitri PujaraCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? I currently work as an Urban Planner at Gensler in New York City. Gensler is the world’s leading global architecture, design, planning, and strategic consulting firm, with 6,000+ staff working across …
NYU Wagner Rises in U.S. News & World Report RankingsThe just-released U.S. News & World Report rankings of 269 public affairs and administration master’s programs around the provides welcome confirmation that NYU Wagner is in the nation’s top ten overall, and far ahead of all of its New York City peer …
Capstone Projects
RETHINKING COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT AN EQUITABLE RECOVERY OF SMALL BUSINESSESThe New York City Department of Small Business Services’ Neighborhood Development Division (NDD) pursues commercial revitalization projects across the city to support small businesses and commercial corridors and enhance community resilience. Prior to the …
Twitter Response to the United States Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations against Screening with Prostate Specific AntigenObjective : To examine public and media response to the United States Preventive Services Task Force's (USPSTF) draft (October 2011) and finalized (May 2012) recommendations against prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing using Twitter, a popular social …
ReportsQuick Fixes to Lock in Wins for Workers: How States Can Preserve New Federal Protections , (co-author Paul Sonn), National Employment Law Project, November, 26, 2024. How Local Government Can Stand Up for Workers When States Try to Stand in Their Way , …
Supporting Your StudentsStudent Services Team Wagner's Student Services team assists students with general and urgent advising matters, including but not limited to: a student’s degree requirements, academic progress issues, how a student might waive a course, and how a student …
CitiesCities—how they function, what they mean for people’s lives, and the systems and policy areas—fundamentally shape the urban environment. In courses that focus on cities, you will learn about broad sets of analytical, policy, and management skills to …
Capstone Projects
Revenue Diversification and ProjectionThe Institute of Human Development and Social Change (IHDSC) at NYU is a joint initiative of the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; the Wagner School of Public Service; the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; and the Office of the …
Apparent MismatchThe federal regulations that govern human subjects research were created in the wake of gross abuses of medical science, in which subjects undertook significant risks (and were significantly harmed), without consenting to treatment. Developments in recent …
Fields of StudyStudents choose two fields of study and must pass a Comprehensive Exam for each field by the end of the second year of study. A core doctoral field ( Management or Public Policy ) Another established field or a customized field. For this field students …
Faculty Profile
Takiema Bunche-SmithPresident and Founder of Anahsa Consulting, Takiema Bunche Smith has worked as an executive leader and coach, curriculum designer and facilitator, and parent activist for over two decades. Her personal mission is to support individuals to understand their …
How to Implement Reparations in AmericaOf all the major progressive proposals in recent years—universal basic income, a jobs guarantee, Medicare-for-All, and so on—reparations is the only one that addresses anti-Black racism head-on. With the majority of Americans now agreeing that anti-Black …
Alumni Spotlight: Dan Suraci (MUP 2013)Name: Dan Suraci, AICP Program and Graduation: Master of Urban Planning, 2013 Current employment: Senior Consultant with TransPro Consulting “If you are going to test big ideas, there's nowhere better [to do that] than the most dynamic, complex and …
Alumni In Action
Chrissy KiernanWhy did you choose NYU Wagner for graduate school? I pursued my MPA to build my network, enhance my resume particularly in leadership and management, to become an expert in administration in the public sector by obtaining education in best practices, to …
Predicting childhood obesity using electronic health records and publicly available dataRobert Hammond, Rodoniki Athanasiadou, Silvia Curado, Yin Aphinyanaphongs, Courtney Abrams, Mary Messito, Rachel S. Gross, Michelle Katzow, Melanie Jay, Narges Razavian, Brian D. Elbel … Predicting childhood obesity using electronic health records and …