Mayor de Blasio Names Dean of NYU Wagner, Sherry Glied, As Special Advisor to Mental Health Policy PanelSherry Glied, Dean of NYU Wagner, has been selected by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to serve as Special Advisor to the Community Services Board (CSB), an advisory panel. The 15-person CSB, which consists of leaders from the private, public, and …
Support vector subset scan for spatial pattern detectionDiscovery of localized and irregularly shaped anomalous patterns in spatial data provides useful context for operational decisions across many policy domains. The support vector subset scan (SVSS) integrates the penalized fast subset scan with a …
Capstone Projects
An Examination of the Human Resources Practices for Select Employee Categories at the United Cerebral Palsy of New York City.United Cerebral Palsy of New York City (UCP/NYC) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to servicing individuals with developmental disabilities. Like many other service providers in this sector, UCP/ NYC is facing high employee turnover and is …
Capstone Projects
Downtown Yonkers Comprehensive PlanDowntown Yonkers, located on the Hudson River in lower Westchester, just north of New York City, was once a thriving area. As with many cities in the Northeast, the loss of manufacturing and the rise of regional shopping centers sapped much of the citys …
First-Generation Student AssociationMission The First-Generation Student Association (FGSA) at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is a student organization dedicated to enriching the Wagner experience of students who are first in their families to …
The Changing Shape of GovernmentWithout discounting the significant downsizing that has occurred, only one of the two ingredients for a leaner, more efficient government is in place. The girth of government-measured by the total number of federal employees-may be shrinking, but its …
Capstone Projects
Women at the Gay Mens Health CrisisGay Mens Health Crisis (GMHC), New York Citys oldest not-for-profit AIDS advocacy and service organization, engaged the Capstone team to analyze current program policies and procedures. The team designed a three-pronged project comprised of diverse …
Capstone Projects
The Global Health Research Agenda: A Case-Study ApproachScarce funding for health research is a problem that affects many countries. The problem is particularly acute for low-income countries, as they suffer from the double constraints of limited financial resources to fund necessary research themselves and …
Capstone Projects
The Global Health Research Agenda: A Case-Study ApproachScarce funding for health research is a problem that affects many countries. The problem is particularly acute for low-income countries, as they suffer from the double constraints of limited financial resources to fund necessary research themselves and …
Capstone Projects
Nicaragua: Water Access, Sanitation, and Natural DisastersDespite abundant water resources, contamination, weak institutions, and poor quality infrastructure have left much of Nicaragua without access to safe water and sanitation services. Throughout the country, the rural poor remain the population most in …
Capstone Projects
Improving NYC Schools through Innovative Best PracticesUnder the outdated "industrial model" of education utilized in New York City public schools, many students are ill prepared for the challenges they are faced with when they enter the work force. To partially mitigate these problems, the NYC Department of …
Capstone Projects
Improving HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy Development and Implementation at Indian BPO FirmsThe Global Business Coalition is a corporate membership organization helping corporations identify and implement programs within their businesses to address diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Many of these corporations utilize Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) …
In-Person Immersion in New York City "Going to immersion and meeting all my professors and students in person was something I was really looking forward to and it solidified that interaction that we have weekly through live classes." Daniel John, Online MHA Student … Occurs: One time in Term …
New Student RetreatThe New Student Retreat—required for all incoming master’s students—is our signature orientation event. At the retreat, you'll begin to develop academic and professional skills that will be critical to your success during your time at NYU Wagner, as well …
Twitter Response to the United States Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations against Screening with Prostate Specific AntigenObjective : To examine public and media response to the United States Preventive Services Task Force's (USPSTF) draft (October 2011) and finalized (May 2012) recommendations against prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing using Twitter, a popular social …
Alumni In Action
Kate ChandlerHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? My time at Wagner was challenging, filled with hard work, and a great sense of community. My year with Wagner was a life-changing experience and I am thankful for all those I met there and …
Alumni In Action
Ellyn CanfieldHow did your Wagner experience prepare you professionally for what you are doing today? Pretty much every job I've had since Wagner has required me to be fluent in a lot of areas - policy, operations, management. Wagner gave me a strong foundation in …
Summer 2021 LEAD FellowsWe are thrilled to announce the LEAD Fellows for summer 2021. Fellows will be working at a variety of organizations involved in pro-democracy and voter access work. … Amanda McBain is a junior majoring in Politics and minoring in History at the College …
Capstone Projects
RETHINKING COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT AN EQUITABLE RECOVERY OF SMALL BUSINESSESThe New York City Department of Small Business Services’ Neighborhood Development Division (NDD) pursues commercial revitalization projects across the city to support small businesses and commercial corridors and enhance community resilience. Prior to the …
A Canary in the Mortgage Market? Why the recent FHA and GSE loan limit reductions deserve attentionOn October 1, 2011, the maximum loan size eligible for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insurance or a guarantee from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (known as "Government-Sponsored Enterprises" or "GSEs") dropped in dozens of metropolitan areas around the …
How to Implement Reparations in AmericaOf all the major progressive proposals in recent years—universal basic income, a jobs guarantee, Medicare-for-All, and so on—reparations is the only one that addresses anti-Black racism head-on. With the majority of Americans now agreeing that anti-Black …
Faculty Profile
Edward RogoffEdward G. Rogoff is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and former Dean of the LIU Brooklyn School of Business, Public Administration, and Information Sciences. Dr. Rogoff has served as the Academic Director of the Lawrence N. Field Center for …
Search for Jobs, Internships, & FellowshipsCareer directory The NYU Wagner Career Directory is an online database of public service employment opportunities. You can use it to search and apply for positions, RSVP to OCS events, and browse employer profiles. Please note : The Career Directory is …
Search for Employment OpportunitiesCareer directory You can use the NYU Wagner Career Directory - an online database of public service employment opportunities - to search and apply for positions, RSVP to OCS events, and browse employer profiles. Please note: The Career Directory is only …