Student Spotlight: Bonnie Tang (MPA 2024)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? Urban Policy is what initially motivated me to attend Wagner! Housing has always been an ongoing discussion in NYC and being a native New Yorker, I’ve always known Wagner as the best school …
Copy CenterIf you only need a small copy job, Wagner provides local copiers onsite at the Puck Building, but for large jobs, you will need to contact the Wagner Copy Center, located on the 2nd floor of the Puck Building. In addition to copies, the Copy Center will …
Official Transcript RequirementsAdmitted students are required to hold a four-year bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or an equivalent degree from a foreign country. … OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT REQUIREMENTS Admitted students are required to …
Alumni In Action
Ariana ProehlWhat do you do in your current role? I am the creator, producer and host of an online talk show called Know This! with Ariana ( ). I'm currently on a 16-city speaking and talk show tour, interviewing next generation voices in various …
Student Spotlight: Aurora Brice (MPA-PNP) What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? I was motivated to attend NYU Wagner because I appreciated the small cohorts and how the curriculum is aligned with industry needs. As a working professional, I needed to find a program …
Create an Event RSVP PageCreate an Event RSVP Page Please fill out this form to create an event RSVP page that will be displayed in the 'Events at Wagner' section of the NYU Wagner website Submit this form no less than 6-8 weeks in advance …
Mayors Say They're at Forefront of Government ResponsivenessSituated at the front lines of government, mayors of small and mid-sized cities increasingly find themselves dealing directly with the impact of climate change, immigration, and technological and economic shifts – with little or no help, several of them …
Prof. Mitchell Moss Named to Gubernatorial Panel on NYC Traffic and Transit ConcernsMitchell L. Moss , professor of urban policy & planning at NYU Wagner, has been named to a new advisory panel formed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to come up with proposals to address traffic congestion on New York City roads and highways, while producing …
Computer Support FAQ1. What software is supported by Wagner IT, and how do I acquire it? Adobe Acrobat Pro Microsoft Office Cortex XDR InsightVM ArcGIS/ArcMap Endnote Zoom For a complete list of university software offerings, click here . Note that some software is provided …
How a Wagner Associate Dean Helped Bring the AIDS Crisis to the Big ScreenDavid Schachter Reflects on Starring in the First Feature Film About the Disease After he filmed Buddies in 1985, David Schachter ’s life changed. But not in the way you might expect for a young actor who had just starred in a movie. Buddies was not …
Cost, Aid & Assistance for the Online MHAInvest in your career … The Online Master of Health Administration degree program is designed to allow you to work while you earn your degree. Estimated Completion Time (part-time attendance): 28 months (7 terms) Credit Hours: 45 Cost Per Term: (Most …
Student Spotlight: Hannah Larson (MPA 2023)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? My friend, Manuela, and I had been working had been working as election canvasser first in Phoenix, Arizona for the 2020 General Election followed by Atlanta, Georgia for the 2020 Georgia …
Your Alumni News for December 2017Stay informed Your Alumni News for December 2017 Dear Alumni, I hope this finds you well. As the end of the year approaches, I wanted to thank everyone who has given back to our Wagner family in 2017. It was an exciting finish to the year, both for the …
How to Create an Event Registration PageThis step-by-step guide shows you how to complete the NYU Wagner Event Registration form, which creates an event listing page on NYU Wagner’s website ( example ) and an NYU Wagner Eventbrite page that collects registrations for your event ( example ). …
NYU Wagner honors 375 graduating students at 2018 ConvocationIn a time when, as Dean Sherry Glied put it, “well-funded propaganda machines pump out click-bait headlines, and partisans of all stripes shout ‘fake news!,’” the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU proudly heralded the success of …
Student Spotlight: Judy Huynh (MUP 2024)What motivated you to attend Wagner, a school of public service? NYU's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service offers high-quality programs in public service and policy that have a strong emphasis on social justice and developing leaders who …