Capstone: Advanced Lab in Social Innovation ICouples with CAP-GP.3302 As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or working on a pre-approved, team-generated …Course
Capstone: Advanced Lab in Social Innovation IICouples with CAP-GP.3301 As part of the core curriculum of the NYU Wagner Masters program, Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for a client organization or working on a pre-approved, team-generated …Webpage
Health Evaluation and Analytics LabThe Health Evaluation and Analytics Lab (HEAL) promotes applied research to help health sector organizations evaluate initiatives that seek to improve health outcomes among populations and to improve healthcare delivery practices. HEAL was established in …
Faculty Profile
Julia LaneJulia Lane is a Professor Emerita at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a NYU Provostial Fellow for Innovation Analytics. She cofounded the Coleridge Initiative, whose goal is to use data to transform the way governments access and use …
Co-Lead LabThe first Collective Leadership Laboratory (Co-Lead Lab), a semester-long leadership laboratory, launched in Fall 2017. It offered Wagner students the frameworks and tools to become more impactful and collaborative leaders. The program included an …
Labor Movement Politics, Advocacy & Social ChangeAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of U.S. workers involved in work stoppages in 2018 reached its highest point since the mid-1980s. The resurgence of the use of strikes and worker activists withholding labor is set against the …Course
Behavioral Economics and Public Policy DesignStandard economic theory assumes that individuals are fully rational decision-makers; however, that is often not the case in the real world. Behavioral economics uses findings from lab and field experiments to advance existing economic models by …Capstone Projects
DEVELOPING PROGRAM INITIATIVES FOR AN INNOVATIVE SOCIAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONThe Action Lab is a young organization that fosters interdisciplinary and cross-movement spaces for learning, gathering, and reflection. Its four anchor initiatives aim to find shared strategies for action, help change-makers build and sharpen social …
NYU Impact Investment Fund IIThe NYU Impact Investment Fund (NIIF) is a unique inter-disciplinary, experiential learning course which is offered in tandem with a student-led and operated Impact Investing Fund of the same name. For students to participate in the Fund they are required …Capstone Projects
Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience Global Practice Supporting the Global Lab on Metropolitan Strategic PlanningIn April 2013, the World Bank and the Regional Plan Association (RPA) of New York launched the Global Lab on Metropolitan Strategic Planning (MetroLab) in New York City. The MetroLab community of practice is part of a program of activities and services …
NYU Impact Investment Fund IThe NYU Impact Investment Fund (NIIF) is a unique inter-disciplinary, experiential learning course which is offered in tandem with a student-led and operated Impact Investing Fund of the same name. For students to participate in the Fund they are required …Capstone Projects
Substantiating Car Platform Data Value in City Planning… Dash Labs, an NYC-based startup, publishes the Dash app, which … demonstrate the value of their data in city planning, Dash Labs engaged a Capstone team in creating visualizations and … within the five boroughs of NYC. By overlaying the Dash Labs data with NYC open data, the team evaluated various …
Capstone Projects
EMPOWERING WOMEN IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND ADVANCING GENDER LENS INVESTINGAccion Venture Lab (AVL) is a global early-stage investor in inclusive fintech startups. Over the last two years, AVL has held venture capital fundraising workshops and investor networking sessions with over 80 women fintech founders in 15 countries. The …
Large Scale Data Analysis with Machine Learning IThe past decade has seen the increasing availability of very large scale data sets, arising from the rapid growth of transformative technologies such as the Internet and cellular telephones, along with the development of new and powerful computational …Capstone Projects
Training East African Filmmakers: An Evaluation of Maisha through the Lens of its Participants… filmmakers have participated in Maisha's intensive film labs, taught by prominent international filmmakers. Looking …
Using Large Data Sets in Policy ResearchThis half-semester course will focus on the analysis of data. We will discuss cleaning raw data – including trimming, variable transformations, and dealing with missing data – before turning to complex survey data. We will discuss how regression analysis …Course
Large Scale Data Analysis with Machine Learning IIThe past decade has seen the increasing availability of very large scale data sets, arising from the rapid growth of transformative technologies such as the Internet and cellular telephones, along with the development of new and powerful computational …Course
Urban Infrastructure Project PlanningThis course is about the process of scoping and planning public sector investment projects and the basic knowledge and skills required for their financial and economic appraisal (‘ex-ante’ evaluation). The focus is on urban infrastructure projects …Capstone Projects
Fundraising Assessment and Action PlanThe Asian American Film Lab (AAFL) works to promote gender and ethnic diversity in films and elevate the voices of underrepresented groups. Each year, AAFL hosts several activities that are critical to the organization’s fundraising goals, including its …
Faculty Profile
Aidan Feldman… United States, including 18F and New York City Planning Labs. Before that, he was a developer on the education team …
Class VisitsSit in on a Course Sit in on a virtual course to experience the classroom, meet current students, and learn from NYU Wagner's dynamic faculty. Most classes are conveniently offered in the evening. Class visits are subject to availability and offered on a …
Faculty Profile
Jemima A. FrimpongJemima A. Frimpong’s research focuses on the complex dynamics of decision making, and the intersection of information processing and discrimination. She has worked extensively in healthcare organizations, examining how managerial attributes affect the …
Faculty Profile
Christopher Whong… founded the progressive digital services unit NYC Planning Labs ( ) to build impactful tools …