When you’re choosing a program, a faculty's interests can be an important deciding factor. At NYU Wagner, we are an active, accessible, and engaged faculty. We are as dedicated to making a difference in our fields as we are to our students.

Martha E. Stark

Clinical Professor of Public Service; Director of Management Specialization

Zhan Guo

Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Transportation Policy

Rajeev Dehejia

Professor of Public Policy and Economics; Associate Dean, Academic Affairs; Director of Policy Specialization; Codirector, Development Research Institute

Julia Lane


Sherry Glied

Dean, Professor of Public Service

Jamie Levine Daniel

Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management and Public Service

Andrea Armeni

Associate Clinical Professor of Social Finance and Public Service; Director of Social Impact, Innovation, and Investment Specialization

Thomas D'Aunno

Professor of Management

Sarah Kaufman

Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation & Assistant Clinical Professor of Public Service

Erica Gabrielle Foldy

Associate Professor of Public and Nonprofit Management; Co-Director of Capstone Program; Director of Advocacy and Political Action Specialization

Jacob Victory

Associate Clinical Professor of Public Service and Director of Health Law and Strategy Program

Katherine M. O'Regan

Professor of Public Policy and Planning; Director of Master of Science in Public Policy Program

Laura Wherry

Associate Professor of Economics and Public Service

Kathleen Apltauer

Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Service

Renata Howland

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Lauren Stackpoole

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Anthony Thomas

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service

Tim Tompkins

Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning and NYU Marron Institute Fellow

Perris Straughter

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Urban Planning

Chani A. Cordero

Lecturer of Health Administration

Carlos Restrepo

Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning

Mark Negron

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management

Ray Kramer

Adjunct Professor of Public Service

Justin Crockett

Lecturer of Health Administration
Displaying 25 - 48 of 311