FAQs: Current Students

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How do I take a leave of absence?

Matriculated students in good standing who need to take a leave of absence from school up to two semesters for national service or serious illness are required to submit a written leave of absence request to the administrator of their program along with supporting documentation. The academic year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31.

How are Capstone projects selected? How are Capstone projects assigned?

Prospective Capstone clients respond to a request for proposals (RFP) in the spring by submitting their applications through our online portal. All proposals are vetted by Wagner administration and viable projects are offered to Capstone faculty for comment and selection.

I work full-time at a position that was not deemed relevant for PER. How can I fulfill this requirement?

We generally recommend that students in your position either seek out stretch assignments at work or do something similar. The purpose of the Professional Experience Requirement is to help bring your specialization coursework to life outside the classroom as well as give you new opportunities to help you professionally once you graduate from NYU Wagner.