FAQs: Current Students

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What is the timeline for the Capstone registration process?

Wagner provides information for students to request Capstone registration in late March/early April. Once you have followed these directions, and assuming you have met all of the Capstone prerequisites, you will be registered for Capstone by July 1. Note: In order to check students' Capstone eligibility, program advisors must review each student's academic record.

How are teams selected in a Capstone program and how many people are there on a team?

Several factors play a role in team composition: interest in various projects, skill sets needed for a given project, diversity of skill sets and experience on each team, and team size. The specific team selection details vary depending on the individual Capstone instructors. A typical Capstone team comprises three to five students.

How do I change my specialization?

MPA and MUP students are required to choose their specialization during the semester in which they complete their 12th credit. For full-time students, this is their first semester and for part-time students, it is usually their second semester.