FAQs: Current Students

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How do I maintain matriculation?

A degree can only be awarded to a student who has been continuously matriculated for each fall and spring term since entering the program. To maintain matriculation when you are not actively enrolled in courses, please read about your options.

How are individuals and groups graded in the Capstone Program?

Students are graded on both the products they deliver to their clients and evidence of progressive learning throughout the course. Grades account for students' participation in both class activities and team work and their ability to act on peer and faculty feedback.

I am waiting for the results of my waiver request, should I register for the course in the meantime?

Course waivers based on prior coursework can take 4-6 weeks to receive results.  Depending on how confident you are that your waiver will be approved and how many seats are left in your preferred section of the course you are trying to waive, you should consider registering for a seat in your preferred section, especially if that course is on the

What is required of students in the Capstone Program?

Course requirements include: enrollment in both semesters; attendance and participation in class activities and client and team meetings; completion of assignments on time; conducting field work; negotiating scope of work agreements with clients; occasional large group discussions out of class time; and the preparation and presentation of the team's findings.