When you’re choosing a program, a faculty's interests can be an important deciding factor. At NYU Wagner, we are an active, accessible, and engaged faculty. We are as dedicated to making a difference in our fields as we are to our students.
Nancy Van Devanter
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor Emerita, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
ChengHe Guan
Global Network Assistant Professor, NYU Wagner; Director of the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urban Design and Urban Science; Assistant Professor, Urban Science and Policy, NYU Shanghai
Marc Gourevitch
Associated Professor of Public Service, NYU Wagner; Professor of Medicine and Population Health, NYU Langone School of Medicine
Cheryl Healton
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Founding Dean of Global Public Health, and Professor of Public Health Policy and Management, NYU College of Global Public Health
Joseph Cimpian
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Associate Professor of Economics and Education Policy, NYU Steinhardt
Eileen Sullivan-Marx
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Dean Emerita, NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing
Ngina Chiteji
Associated Professor of Public Service, NYU Wagner; Associate Professor, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Patrick J. Egan
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Politics and Public Policy, NYU Wilf Family Department of Politics
Vicki Been
Associated Professor of Public Policy, NYU Wagner; Boxer Family Professor of Law, NYU School of Law
Joe Magee
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Management and Organizations, NYU Stern School of Business
Louise Harpman
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Architecture, Urban Design, and Sustainability, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Kimberley Johnson
Affiliated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU College of Arts and Science; Professor of Wilf Family Department of Politics
Jemima A. Frimpong
Affiliated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Program Head, Business, Organizations and Society; Associate Dean of Programs at Stern NYUAD; Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy, NYU Abu Dhabi