Panel with NYU Wagner's Dean inspires Congressional agreement on evidence-based policymakingIs bipartisan law-making still possible on Capitol Hill? Apparently so. Shortly before 2018 ended, the House of Representatives passed bipartisan, bicameral legislation that is designed to encourage policymaking based on data and evidence. The Foundations …
The Campaign for Public ServiceFunded by the Carnegie Corporation and the Smith Richardson Foundations, this project is designed to explore and improve the federal government's capacity to address the critical policy questions of the future. The project includes research on everything …
The Tides of Reform Revisited: Making Government Word, 1945-2002The past six decades have witnessed acceleration in both the number and variety of major administrative reform statutes enacted by Congress. This increase can be explained partly by the increased involvement of Congress, a parallel decrease in activity …
The Tides of Reform: Making Government Work, 1945-1994The past six decades have witnessed acceleration in both the number and variety of major administrative reform statutes enacted by Congress. This increase can be explained partly by the increased involvement of Congress, a parallel decrease in activity …
The growth of cesarean delivery in China the focus of health policy discussionProfessor Jian-meng Liu of Peking University visited NYU Wagner on April 3 to talk about the growth of cesarean delivery in China, and the consequences for long-term child health. Professor Liu, who directs China’s Office of National Maternal & Child …
Faculty Profile
Rasmia KirmaniRasmia Kirmani-Frye is an independent consultant focusing on urban problem solving, housing, movement building, governance design, non-profit management, narrative development and strategic planning. Rasmia is currently working with the Ford Foundation on …
Transit mess was years in the making—
now we must all chip in to fix itMitchell L. Moss, NYU Rudin Center Director, wrote an op-ed in Crain's New York Business urging policymakers to fund the subways with car service fees and gas and internet sales taxes. "Joe Lhota is the right leader for the Metropolitan Transportation …
NYU Wagner Honors 410 Graduating Students at Convocation 2015Hailing from thirteen different countries, 410 graduating students of NYU Wagner were enthusiastically honored at the school's 2015 Convocation ceremony on May 19 at the New York City Center. Arrayed in academic attire in a capacity crowd of more than …
Sherry Glied, Economist and Health Care Policy Expert, Named Dean of NYU WagnerSherry A. Glied, a Harvard-trained economist from Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health whose expertise in health care reform has led to important governmental posts, was today named by NYU President John Sexton and Provost David McLaughlin to be the …
NYU Wagner Welcomes Michael A. Blake as Distinguished Visiting UrbanistNYU Wagner is delighted to announce that third term New York State Assemblyman, DNC Vice-Chair, and Congressional Candidate in New York’s 15th District, Michael A. Blake, will be our Distinguished Visiting Urbanist for the Fall 2019 semester—bringing a …
Undergraduate Offerings Our world is becoming increasingly complex and interconnected—as are the challenges we’re facing. Issues such as urbanization, healthcare, social justice, and inequality call for a new generation of public service leaders who can develop smart solutions …
Resetting our priorities in environmental health: An example from the south-north partnership in Lake Chapala, MexicoLake Chapala is a major source of water for crop irrigation and subsistence fishing for a population of 300,000 people in central Mexico. Economic activities have created increasing pollution and pressure on the whole watershed resources. Previous reports …
Use of community-level data in the National Children's Study to establish the representativeness of segment selection in the Queens Vanguard Site.BACKGROUND: The WHO Multiple Exposures Multiple Effects (MEME) framework identifies community contextual variables as central to the study of childhood health. Here we identify multiple domains of neighborhood context, and key variables describing the …
Race/Ethnicity-Specific Associations of Urinary Phthalates with Childhood Body Mass in a Nationally Representative SampleBackground : Phthalates have antiandrogenic effects and may disrupt lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Racial/ethnic subpopulations have been documented to have varying urinary phthalate concentrations and prevalences of childhood obesity. Objective : We …
Alumni In Action
Brandon WestHow did being in New York impact your professional journey? I knew I wanted to be connected to local government, local issues, and ways to make government work better, inside and outside of it. I came from an advocacy background, but wanted some hard …
NYU Wagner Students to Help Evaluate White House's Opportunity ProjectA group of NYU Wagner students is playing a key role in the White House’s newly announced enlargement of The Opportunity Project—a cross-sector effort to expand community access to digital tools and open data for lasting social improvement. The team of …
Capstone Projects
The Financial Benefits of Adopting NSTIC-Aligned Identity SolutionsWhen every website requires users to create a different username and password for online access, remembering login information can be challenging. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) believes users should be able to reuse the same …
Faculty Profile
Aniqa NawabiAniqa Nawabi is a public service professional with over a decade of experience in civil society leadership and government. She currently works for New York State government, at New York State Homes and Community Renewal, where she is the Director of …
An Insider’s View of the Affordable Care Act For many years, Americans were satisfied to say that they had the best healthcare in the world. But by 2006, a growing number of uninsured Americans and exploding healthcare costs proved the country needed immense healthcare reform. Presidents Truman, …
Dean's Diversity StatementIn this current climate of uncertainty and concern, I have never been more proud of NYU Wagner’s welcoming and embracing community. To those of you considering studying at NYU Wagner, I want to remind you of our deep commitment to diversity, equity, and …
Meera Joshi, former NYU Rudin Center Visiting Scholar, Named Deputy Mayor for OperationsCongratulations to Meera Joshi, former Visiting Scholar at the NYU Rudin Center for Transportation, on being appointed New York City’s incoming Deputy Mayor for Operations. During her time at the NYU Rudin Center, Deputy Mayor Joshi led the study, “ …
Filibusters Are Only Half the ProblemSenator Bill First, the majority leader, has often invoked the founding fathers to make his case against delaying tactics like the filibuster, especially when such tactics allow a small number of senators to create what he calls "a tyranny of the …
At "Debates of the Century" event, a lively exchange on ImmigrationThe second installment of "Debates at the Century @ NYU Wagner" featured, on March 29, a lively exchange of viewpoints on U.S. immigration policies between David Frum, a senior editor at The Atlantic, and Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the …
Congressional Decisionmaking ProjectConference Video December Conference Video This C-SPAN site provides complete coverage of the December conference with former Senator Daschle, former Representative Frenzel, Organizational Performance Initiative Founder Dr. Paul Light, Colby Professor Dr. …