Faculty Profile
Rachel SwanerRachel Swaner is the Vice President of Policy, Research, & Advocacy at the Community Service Society, leading a team fighting for economic, racial, and social justice and upward mobility for all New Yorkers. She was previously the Senior Director of …
R Coding for Public PolicyR is a powerful open source language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide selection of statistical and graphical techniques. It is rapidly becoming the leading language in data science and statistics. R can easily …Course
Communications and Branding for Nonprofits (EMPA)An organization’s brand can help it raise money, create change, and recruit participants as it effectively communicates its mission. But a brand is more than just a logo or a memorized elevator pitch, it is the way both internal and external audiences …Capstone Projects
EVALUATION OF A LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC SERVICE PROFESSIONALSThe Milbank Memorial Fund (MMF) is an endowed foundation that works to improve population health by connecting leaders and decision makers with the best available evidence and experience. MMF’s Emerging Leaders Program (ELP), launched five years ago, …
NYU Wagner Team a Winner in National Invitational Public Policy ChallengeNYU Wagner has done it again! A team of Wagner students has won a $5,000 award as a finalist at the 2015 National Invitational Public Policy Challenge hosted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government—extending Wagner's record of …
Communications and Branding for NonprofitsAn organization’s brand can help it raise money, create change, and recruit participants as it effectively communicates its mission. But a brand is more than just a logo or a memorized elevator pitch, it is the way both internal and external audiences …Course
Library Research and Citation MethodsThis interactive workshop serves as an introduction to the many NYU Libraries resources and services available to Wagner students that will help students develop skills appropriate to graduate-level research. In the session, we will cover fundamental …Alumni In Action
Samuel SchaffzinWhy did you choose Wagner for graduate school? I chose Wagner because I felt it would provide me with the fundamentals that I needed to launch a career in the broad field of public health and healthcare, and across the government, non-profit, and private …
Strategic Communications for AdvocacyOrganizational storytelling both effectively communicates an organization’s mission and builds empathy for its cause. A story is more than an exposition, climax, and resolution. Effective storytelling weaves a narrative that tells a systemic story about …Webpage
Pre-ArrivalThe Office of Global Services (OGS) provides comprehensive information and advising on the process of getting a Visa and I-20 for your studies at Wagner. Review this information to ensure you have taken all of the necessary steps to prepare for your …
Faculty Profile
Amy KenyonAmy Kenyon's career has spanned sectors from nonprofit to philanthropy to government, and issues including community development, housing, sustainable agriculture, and the environment. Currently she serves as Special Advisor for Implementation with the US …
Faculty Profile
Veronica ManningVeronica Manning is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Veronica is an experienced nonprofit executive, consultant and facilitator who has led two organizations centered around …
CYC: The S.E.E. StrategiesWhat opportunities are there in my courses to use assignments as a way to further my career exploration? (e.g. is there an organization in my field of interest that I can use as a case study for a project?) How can I use an assignment to interview someone …
Faculty Profile
Eric KlinenbergEric Klinenberg is Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the Social Sciences and Director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at New York University. He has affiliated appointments at NYU Wagner, the NYU Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, and …
Management and LeadershipManagement and Leadership is designed to empower you with the skills you will need to make meaningful change in the world—whether you care about bike lanes, criminal justice, prenatal care, community development, urban planning, social investment, or …Faculty Profile
Karin SommerKarin Sommer is the Executive Director of the Division of Transportation Planning and Management at NYC DOT, where she helps oversee the design of city streets, including the development of bicycle, pedestrian, and public space programs, the City’s Vision …
Qualitative Research MethodsThis course offers a hands-on opportunity for doctoral and advanced masters students to experience the practice of qualitative research. We will address the nature of qualitative research in the administrative and policy sciences, with ample opportunities …Alumni In Action
Laura McGinleyCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? I am a member of the Executive Team overseeing our Development, Marketing, and Communications work. I work closely with our CEO and our Board to expand our organization's philanthropic capacity and …
Alumni In Action
Gretchen UpholtHow would you describe your experience as a Wagner student? Wagner was the first time in my professional career where I felt like I found other people like me -- people who are 100% committed to the nonprofit sector, of course, but also people who shared …
Advisement & ResourcesAssistance to Achieve Your Goals NYU Wagner faculty and staff assist current students in the development of a plan of study that helps them achieve their academic and career goals. The school offers several sources of advisement for students, including …
Alumnus Jayson Browder Discusses His New Endeavor, Veterans4DiplomacyNYU Wagner alumnus Jayson Browder (Global Executive MPA, 2015) was a recent guest interviewee at Carnegie New Leaders, a membership program for young professionals from a range of fields who wish to engage in a dialogue on ethics and international …
Social Change LeadershipJennifer Dodge, Amparo Hofmann-Pinilla, Angela Beard and Caitlin Murphy, February 2013. Beyond Foundation Funding: Revenue-Generating Strategies for Sustainable Social Change. Ospina, Sonia. Leadership for Social Change: Contributions for a Contemporary …
Wagner Health NetworkMission The Wagner Health Network (WHN) serves as an academic, professional, and social support to students interested in the fields of health policy, health management, health finance, and international health. It also represents the health students at …
MUP - International Development Planning SpecializationWhen “the greater good” has global proportions, how do you balance the needs and values of all the people involved? We’ll help you answer that. Whether you’re interested in planning for the multinational cities of tomorrow or the developing economies of …