From Research to Health Policy ImpactThe opportunities for researchers to improve health and health care by contributing to the formulation and implementation of policy are almost unlimited. Indeed, the availability of these opportunities is a tribute to a generation of health services …
Faculty Profile
Robyn SteinRobyn L. Stein is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Service at the NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a consultant to not-for-profits with a focus on strategic marketing/communications, fundraising, event production, sponsorship …
My Summer Internship Experience: Jiayi Liu, Program Assistant, UA3Jiayi Liu (MPA 2025) had always been called to work with a nonprofit organization. Through the Ellen Schall Experience Fund , a stipend awarded to a select group of students working in unpaid summer internships, Liu had the opportunity to serve as a …
Why We Must Break the Male Cartel in the Work PlaceThe European Union should follow the example set by Norway and Spain and introduce European legislation for gender balance on company boards, at universities and in government. It is the best way to end the culture of gender bias and stereotyping that is …
Alumni Affinity Groups Attend lectures, discussions, happy hours, and other NYU Wagner community events focused on fundraising and development throughout the year. Learn more … Connect with fellow city government colleagues, attend social and educational events throughout the …
Capstone Projects
Limited Equity Housing Programs in NYC: The Development of a Resource Guide for Community Board 10In the late 1970s and early 1980s, New York City created an affordable program through which organized tenant associations could acquire their buildings through a cooperative ownership structure. There are over 1,100 of these limited equity cooperatives …
Important Update -- Wagner OperationsDear Colleagues, Thank you for your continued dedication as we collaboratively work through this evolving situation. Administrators received this email from Marty Dorph and Sabrina Ellis this afternoon. Tomorrow, Friday, March 13, will be Wagner’s last …
Capstone Projects
Childcare Accessibility for Employees of Mid-sized CompaniesHalf of the families in the United States find it difficult to find childcare. Moreover, the lack of affordable childcare causes many women to leave the workforce early and stagnates their careers. Kidvy, the Capstone team initiative, seeks to address …
Utilizing off-the-shelf LCA methods to develop a ‘triple bottom line’ auditing tool for global cataract surgical servicesCassandra Thiel, Andy Cassels-Brown, Hena Goel, Rachel Stancliffe, Ingeborg Steinbach, Peter Thomas, and Jorge Vendries … Utilizing off-the-shelf LCA methods to develop a ‘triple bottom line’ auditing tool for global cataract surgical …
Alumni In Action
Sasha LaliteCan you tell us a bit about your job responsibilities? As the Founder/CEO of Meta Viable Solutions, I offer Fractional COO consulting services as an outsourced part-time, interim or project-based basis. I am a dynamic and engaging leader, partner, and …
Capstone Projects
Feasibility of a Mixed-income, Fee-based Model for Older Adult Service DeliveryGoddard Riverside Community Center (Goddard) is a nonprofit multi-service agency whose mission is to support people by meeting their needs and aspirations through education, social services, community gathering, civic engagement, and advocacy. Goddard’s …
Alumni In Action
Justin Rosen Smolen I continue to be grateful for my education in the dual MPA-MA in Jewish studies program at NYU. My Wagner courses introduced me to a variety of practicable tools and conceptual frameworks that I regularly incorporate into my work—from creating and …
Preparing Your ClassEach course at Wagner requires a course syllabus. All course syllabi will be posted on the web, and must be distributed on the first day of class. You must also submit your syllabus online by the end of the first week of class The syllabus is the major …
The Role of Subnational Governments in the Covid-19 Pandemic Response: Are There Opportunities for Intergovernmental Fiscal Reform in the Post-Pandemic World? Washington, DC: Fiscal Management Division, Institutions for Development Sector, Inter-American Development Bank, 2022. … Paul Smoke, David Gómez-Álvarez, AndrésMiranda Muñoz, Axel Radics … The Role of Subnational Governments in the Covid-19 Pandemic …
ADVOCACY & POLITICAL ACTION SPECIALIZATIONOverview The Advocacy and Political Action specialization prepares you to magnify your impact and create meaningful change in the civic engagement, political, and advocacy arenas. Whether your passion for social justice and human rights is in immigration, …
Data sharing and intellectual property in a genomic epidemiology network: policies for large-scale research collaborationGenomic epidemiology is a field of research that seeks to improve the prevention and management of common diseases through an understanding of their molecular origins. It involves studying thousands of individuals, often from different populations, with …
Faculty Profile
Jeff EnglanderJeffrey Englander is the founder and principal of Healthcare Strategy Bullpen and has over 15 years of experience in healthcare strategy, market positioning, industry disruption, and innovation at a number of Fortune 100 firms. Given his various roles and …
Faculty Profile
Alex MalarchukAlex W. Malarchuk, M.S., is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Administration at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. He has over forty years of experience in various hospital and academic health system settings that includes a …
Learning to Love the SwampPresents the text of the presidential address given at the Fall 1994 meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management by Ellen Schall. Reflection and learning from experience; Why reflective, swamp learning should be taken seriously; …
Capstone Projects
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Health SystemThe residency consisted of two six-week rotations at each of the four system hospitals. At each site, the Resident was introduced to a new area of hospital administration under the mentorship of executive and/or senior management. Each site offered a …
NYU Wagner alumni and educators joining New York City's new administrationOver 30 NYU Wagner alumni and educators have been selected to join the new New York City administration under the leadership of Mayor Eric Adams. With a wide range of experiences and public service expertise — from education and health to civic engagement …
Housing the Next Million New Yorkers Near TransitNew Yorkers take pride in the idea of their city as a place of opportunity. A future New York City that mostly houses those who are already successful, and no longer serves as an avenue of opportunity for upward-striving people from throughout the nation …
Data Inventories for the Modern Age? Using Data Science to Open Government DataThis article describes how data science techniques—machine learning and natural language processing—can be used to open the black box of government data. It then describes how an incentive structure can be established—using human–computer interaction …
PNP - Finance - ChecksheetMPA-PNP: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC FINANCE I. DEGREE CORE REQUIREMENTS [15 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive the following courses: … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [9 credits] Students must complete the following courses: … Students …