Capstone Projects
IMPACT OF SCHOOL REOPENINGS ON WORKING MOTHERS’ FINANCIAL DISTRESSSchool closures during the Covid-19 pandemic worsened employment outcomes for working mothers. Many working mothers decreased their total working hours in order to accommodate needed care, and childcare costs also increased. The Capstone team sought to …
Capstone Projects
CREATING A SOCIAL JUSTICE EDUCATOR’S HANDBOOKBroadway for Arts Education (BAE) is a NYC-based youth development nonprofit that provides arts education to students in underserved communities. BAE’s programming includes dance, music, and theater. BAE and its Teaching Artists (TA) serve roughly 2,000 …
Modern RomanceAt some point, every one of us embarks on a journey to find love. We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from …
Dividing the Pie: Placing the Transportation Donor-Donee Debate in PerspectiveThis study looks at the distribution of dollars of federal transportation funding to the states from a number of perspectives. The analysis reveals relative winners and losers at the regional and state level based on various criteria. It also shows that …
The Use of Logic Models by Community-Based InitiativesMany grant programs now require community-based initiatives to develop logic models as part of the application process or to facilitate program monitoring and evaluation. This paper examines three such programs to understand the benefits and challenges of …
NYU Wagner ReviewMission NYU Wagner Review is the student-run academic journal of the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. NYU Wagner Review promotes dialogue on a wide range of issues related to public service by publishing original …
PNP - SI3 - ChecksheetMPA-PNP: SOCIAL IMPACT, INNOVATION, and INVESTMENT (SIII) I. DEGREE CORE REQUIREMENTS [15 CREDITS] Students must complete or waive the following courses: … II. SPECIALIZATION REQUIREMENTS [9 credits] Students must complete the following courses: … …
Faculty Profile
Garrett LucienGarrett Lucien is the Vice President of Programs and Training at Coro New York Leadership Center and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service at NYU Wagner. Garrett joined the Coro team in 2013. Since then he has been the lead Leadership …
Capstone Projects
Federal Credit Secondary Market AnalysisGuidehouse, a global consultancy in the public and private sectors, was selected by the US Small Business Association (SBA)—a government agency that provides support to small businesses and entrepreneurs—to function as its central servicing agent. Through …
Potentially avoidable hospitalizations: how to estimate the costs? (French)Based on the number of hospitalizations for ambulatory-care sensitive conditions in the Paris region (Ile-de-France), and the DRG-based rates for these hospital stays, we estimate the hospital expenditures that could be avoided if patients had access to …
#MyWagnerLife: Erin Connell (MPA-PNP) TODAY! Follow @Erin_M_Connell for an exciting behind-the-scenes look at life as an @nyuwagner student. #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner (@NYUWagner) April 11, 2016 Started Monday by submitting my application for @nyuwagner ’s …
Alumni In Action
Shruti PunjabiHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? It was exceptional. NYU being located in the heart of New York provided me with not just professional development opportunities but many arenas for personal growth. NYU Wagner is home to a …
Capstone Projects
OPTIMIZING OPERATIONS BY DIGITIZING DATAMetro-North Railroad (MNR), a subsidiary agency of the Metropolitan Transit Authority, is a suburban commuter rail system that runs service in New York City and its northern suburbs in the Hudson Valley and Connecticut. MNR enlisted a Capstone team to …
Capstone Projects
Healing Platform and Community for Campus Sexual Assault SurvivorsOne in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college in the US. With limited access to campus counseling services, many survivors remain silent or share the experience with someone who is not equipped to support them. In response, a …
Current Projects Beyond the daily support we provide for the website, database systems, and computer hardware and software, we’re making the service improvements described below. Desktop & A/V Support A/V Planning for the 17th Street move. Fully deploying Workspace …
Leading Large Scale Change in Government Large-scale change initiatives are efforts that require the collaboration of multiple agencies; the creation of detailed, shared protocols; the requisite shifts in organizational culture; strong personal commitment and leadership; and frequently the …
Andrew Friedman (LAW '98) to Lead Joint NYU Wagner and NYU Law InitiativeAndrew Friedman (LAW '98) will join NYU on January 2 to lead a new Initiative for Community Power and Democratic Engagement (ICPDE). A joint undertaking of the Law School’s Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law (CRIL) and NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate …
Capstone Projects
NYU School of Medicine Faculty Group PracticeAt the NYU Medical School Faculty Group Practice the resident had the opportunity to be involved in various projects including assisting senior management and practice managers in achieving operational and financial goals. The resident provided research …
Capstone Projects
Montefiore Family Care Practice Bad Debt AssessmentPast practice at Montefiore Medical Center clinics included the acceptance of financial loss as a part of doing business. Clinics represent a source of teaching for interns and residents, sources of healthcare to indigent members of the local population …
NYU Wagner ranks high in U.S. News & World ReportWe are proud to announce that the just-released US News & World Report rankings of 285 public affairs and administration master’s programs across the country place NYU Wagner at #7 overall in the nation—well ahead of all of its New York City peer …
Ideas from the Frontline: Improvement Opportunities in Federally Qualified Health CentersBackground Engaging frontline clinicians and staff in quality improvement is a promising bottom-up approach to transforming primary care practices. This may be especially true in federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and similar safety-net settings …
Capstone Projects
Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Public Administration Training Program for Public Sector Employees in JordanThe Education for Employment Foundation aims to create job opportunities for unemployed youth in the Middle East and North Africa by providing them with professional and technical training. The organization's affiliate in Jordan, the Jordan Career …
SUMMER 2024 LEAD AND PARKE FELLOWSArianna Afsar (she/hers) believes deeply in the intersection of arts and policy. Art changes culture and culture changes policy. As a theater/film performer and composer, Afsar is excited to be finishing up her last year at Wagner to understand the …
PROGRAM EVALUATION AND IMPACT ASSESSMENTThis Advanced Certificate provides training in assessing the effectiveness of funded, programmatic, and policy interventions. The curriculum is designed for evaluation researchers, social and community service managers, management analysts, and survey …