NYU Wagner Review


NYU Wagner Review is the student-run academic journal of the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. NYU Wagner Review promotes dialogue on a wide range of issues related to public service by publishing original peer-reviewed research, scholarship, and commentary from a diverse group of students and alumni that reflects the academic programs offered and scholarly research conducted at NYU Wagner.

Call for Submissions

Please see the website for online journal submission information and deadlines.

General Submission Policy

The Review accepts multiple types of submissions from all current students at NYU Wagner, NYU Wagner alumni, and NYU graduate students engaged in coursework at Wagner. All submissions should be submitted in English and should represent current, original research. Submissions should reflect the academic specializations of NYU Wagner. Strong preference is given to articles that demonstrate a clear application to public service and link theory to practice. We recommend that references conform to the Chicago Manual of Style’s guidelines for author-date citations, and long form submissions must include a reference list. We will not accept articles that are in consideration at other publications. Articles are vetted through a competitive process by our Contributing Editors and Editorial support staff.

Online Submission Policy

Articles considered for the online journal should be brief research papers, opinion editorials, book reviews, interviews, or reflections on public service practice. Only current NYU Wagner students and alumni may submit work for publication on the website. Online submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and are selected by the Executive Board.

For more information on submissions, email wagner.review@gmail.com


Thom Blaylock

Executive Board 2024-2025



NYU Wagner Review website