Student Spotlight: Maggie Huang (MUP 2025)Maggie Huang (MUP 2025), chair, First Generation Student Association Can you share a bit about yourself and what inspired you to attend a school of public service? I’m a born and raised New Yorker, so I’ve spent my entire life being immersed in a built …
Federal Housing Policy and the Rise of Nonprofit ProvidersDuring the past decade, federal housing policy has shifted to recognize a key role for nonprofit housing providers in providing affordable housing. Two federal programs, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and HOME, are now the primary federal housing …
Capstone Projects
ADVANCING EQUITABLE BUILDING DECARBONIZATIONThe Institute of Sustainable Communities (ISC) has collaborated with organizations nationwide to implement sustainable decarbonization pilots in Oakland, Philadelphia, and St. Louis, in order to address the exclusion of low-income communities of color …
Alumni In Action
Larissa TrinderWhat led you to your current organization/role? After completing my EMPA from Wagner I wanted to coordinate my passions, skills and education together in a way that would create the greatest impact on communities. The position I am currently in brought …
Wagner Management and Leadership Organization (WMLO)Mission The mission of the Wagner Management & Leadership Organization (WMLO) is to serve as a forum for students specializing in Management and for anyone who aspires to develop their management skills for the public sector. We aim to facilitate …
Wagner Economics and Finance AssociationMission The Wagner Economics and Finance Association (WEFA) is committed to increasing the education and awareness of economic policy issues, to broadening the traditional perception of the public service finance field, and to establish and sustain a …
Citi Bike: The First Two YearsNew York City launched Citi Bike, the largest bike share program in the United States, in May 2013. This study examines the first two years of Citi Bike and its role in New York City mobility. Citi Bike’s station connection to public transportation hubs …
AVs in NYC: A Policy FrameworkWhile the reality of autonomous vehicles in New York City remains several years away, this timeline grants us the opportunity to set up a policy model for equitable, safe and accessible mobility. Although AVs are regulated for safety and efficacy within …
Student GroupsStudent run, and responsive to the needs and interests of their members, student groups give you a chance to collaborate around a shared goal, whether it's to address issues of identity and difference in the public service community, dive deep into a …
How to Be an Effective Activist: 90-Minute Training in Nonviolent Action Draws 400Amid increased grassroots protests nationwide since the 2016 elections, about 400 students and others came together for a 90-minute training on nonviolent action hosted by NYU Wagner and the school's Taub Professor of Practice in Public Service and …
Alumni In Action
Chrissy KiernanWhy did you choose NYU Wagner for graduate school? I pursued my MPA to build my network, enhance my resume particularly in leadership and management, to become an expert in administration in the public sector by obtaining education in best practices, to …
Alumni In Action
Doug WhiteDoug shares how his Wagner experience allowed him to merge his interest in local politics with his desire to provide opportunities for underserved populations. What do you do in your current role? I am the Manager for Government Affairs at Cricket …
Other Involvement OpportunitiesPeer Advisors Current students play an integral role in welcoming the incoming class to the Wagner community. Peer advisors share everything from community norms and personal experiences, to insider information -- like the best places to eat and study – …
Variation in payment rates under Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment SystemPublished online 2016 Apr 8. Objective To measure variation in payment rates under Medicare's Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and identify the main payment adjustments that drive variation. Data Sources/Study Setting Medicare cost reports for …
Capstone Projects
BIKE THEFT MITIGATION FOR NYC DELIVERY WORKERSThe Capstone team identified a problem within the NYC delivery worker community: current motion sensor on-bike alarms fail to notify workers of security breaches to bikes locked on the street while workers are making in-building deliveries (which …
Wagner welcomes its Summer 2023 Fellows… On May 4, 2023, the NYU Wagner Office of Career Services (OCS) hosted a kickoff event for NYU Wagner fellows who will be completing public service internships this summer. Attendees included recipients of the Ellen Schall Experience Fund, the Henry Hart …
Modern RomanceAt some point, every one of us embarks on a journey to find love. We meet people, date, get into and out of relationships, all with the hope of finding someone with whom we share a deep connection. This seems standard now, but it’s wildly different from …
Evidence-Based Trends: A Course in Health Services ManagementThis article traces the development of a course in health services management over 40 years and presents the course within a context of teaching evidence-based management. One emphasis of the course is on teaching through storytelling--students developing …
Alumni Spotlight: Handaa Enkh-Amgalan (MPA-PNP 2019)Handaa Enkh-Amgalan (MPA-PNP 2019) first applied to NYU Wagner after being drawn in by the school’s mission of public service. She was looking for a program that would provide her with structured knowledge of both US and international policy, and Wagner …
Capstone Projects
Measuring the Impact of Streetscape Changes on Bus ServiceMTA New York City Transit (NYCT) is a public agency in New York State that operates public transportation in New York City. The NYCT Department of Buses manages an extensive bus network serving the five boroughs. A unique challenge facing NYCT is that …
The President's Proposed Standard Deduction for Health Insurance: Evaluation and RecommendationsThe President's proposal to replace the current exclusion of employer-paid health insurance premiums with a standard deduction for qualifying health insurance would level the playing field for employment-based coverage and private plans but would risk the …
Entrepreneurship in Services and Socially Disadvantaged in IndiaWhile substantial literature now exists on poverty and inequality among social groups, until now, almost nothing has been known about how the socially dis-advantaged groups fare in entrepreneurship in terms of shares in the GVA, workers employed, and …
Effect of Communications Training on Medical Student PerformanceAlthough physicians' communication skills have been found to be related to clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction, teaching of communication skills has not been fully integrated into many medical school curricula or adequately evaluated with …
Tax Filing and Take-Up: Experimental Evidence on Tax Preparation Outreach and EITC ParticipationGovernments and non-profits devote substantial resources to increasing take-up of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) through educational outreach. We study a different approach: policies that encourage tax filing. In a large field experiment, we find …