When you’re choosing a program, a faculty's interests can be an important deciding factor. At NYU Wagner, we are an active, accessible, and engaged faculty. We are as dedicated to making a difference in our fields as we are to our students.
Charlotte Wagenberg
Adjunct Professor of Health Policy and Management, and Public and Nonprofit Management
Nancy Van Devanter
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor Emerita, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
Patrick J. Egan
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Politics and Public Policy, NYU Wilf Family Department of Politics
Joe Magee
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Management and Organizations, NYU Stern School of Business
Louise Harpman
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Professor of Architecture, Urban Design, and Sustainability, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Marc Gourevitch
Associated Professor of Public Service, NYU Wagner; Professor of Medicine and Population Health, NYU Langone School of Medicine
Eileen Sullivan-Marx
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Dean Emerita, NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing
Joseph Cimpian
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Associate Professor of Economics and Education Policy, NYU Steinhardt
Ngina Chiteji
Associated Professor of Public Service, NYU Wagner; Associate Professor, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study
Vicki Been
Associated Professor of Public Policy, NYU Wagner; Boxer Family Professor of Law, NYU School of Law
Cheryl Healton
Associated Faculty, NYU Wagner; Founding Dean of Global Public Health, and Professor of Public Health Policy and Management, NYU College of Global Public Health