Academic Policies

Doctoral candidates are required to maintain a "B+" (3.3) average. If a student's grade point average remains below 3.3 for two consecutive semesters, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program.

All students who elect to apply transfer credit towards the Ph.D degree must complete all requirements within 7 years. Students who undertake all of their coursework (the full 72 credits) at NYU Wagner have a 1o-year limit.

Students granted a leave of absence are still required to complete all degree requirements within 7-10 years of initial enrollment.

Students receiving NYU Wagner financial aid who take a leave of absence for more than one semester may relinquish their scholarships.

Maintaining Continuous Matriculation

All doctoral students must maintain continuous matriculation. No degree may be awarded to a student who has not maintained continuous matriculation. Continuous matriculation may be met in the following ways:

  • Registering for at least one course
  • Upon finishing courses, officially maintaining matriculation
  • Enrolling in PHD-GP 5901, Research in Progress

Governance of the Doctoral Program

The governance of the doctoral program is delegated to the Doctoral Board, comprised of tenured or tenure-track faculty members and chaired by the Director of the Doctoral Program. The Board ensures faculty representation in the effective management of the program. 

The Doctoral Board establishes academic policy for doctoral studies and defines specific strategies to implement this policy in areas such as recruitment, admissions, advisement, and curriculum development. Board members take primary responsibility for admitting each year’s incoming cohort of doctoral students. Along with the other NYU Wagner faculty, they also advise students about doctoral field preparation, approve student proposals for special fields and guide dissertations.

The Director of the Doctoral Program leads the effort to sustain the program and improve its quality. S/he works with the Board to ensure the effective design and implementation of policy in matters affecting the academic quality of the program as well as the educational experience of doctoral students.

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades are intended for rare circumstances when course requirements cannot be met in a timely manner. If an incomplete is granted, students must complete their coursework and receive a grade within one semester. In those cases where a student has an I on their record that they do not intend to complete, they should contact Academic Services to officially withdraw from the course.

Language Courses

While students are encouraged to hone their language skills, language courses cannot be credited toward a Wagner degree. Please view the Wagner Language Courses page for details.

Transfer Credit

A maximum of 40 points of transfer credit for graduate course work taken outside of New York University is allowable for the Ph.D. This course work must meet New York University Ph.D. degree time limitations, must have been completed with grades of "B" or higher, and must have been earned at an accredited institution of established academic reputation. Courses proposed for transfer credit must be relevant and consistent with the fields of study chosen by the student.

The 40 credit maximum allowance does not necessarily mean that all 40 points are always awarded. The actual determination of the transfer credits to be awarded is an integral part of program planning and results from careful consideration of a variety of factors that range from financial issues to student desire to broaden or deepen areas of study.

Once a student passes the PQE, s/he should discuss the issue of transfer credit with the Doctoral Program Director and the relevant faculty advisor.

Transfer credit impacts those receiving tuition scholarships in that scholarship ends at the achievement of the required 72 credits.

Please note that decisions regarding transfer credit are not made prior to matriculation, although discussion of potential transfer credit should be included in planning one's overall program of study.

Conduct, Grievance, and University-Wide POlicIES

It is the responsibility of all members of the NYU community to respect and comply with all NYU Policies and Procedures as well as all University rules and policies. Doctoral students are under the authority of NYU Policies and Procedures from the first day of the first term in which they enroll in a NYU sponsored program. Students remain under the authority of these rules until they graduate or officially separate from NYU.

The Wagner Doctoral Program maintains conduct, grievance, and other policies based on NYU standards and policies.

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Gallery Space

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