Recent Employment Statistics

2023 MPA/MUP/MHA Employment Statistics

Our graduates work in public and nonprofit management, healthcare, urban planning, policy analysis, public finance, financial management, and international development. In local, national, and international arenas, NYU Wagner alumni play significant roles redeveloping communities, advocating for social justice, and providing vital health and human services.

Explore where our graduates are working by degree program:


Employment Statistics Data

2023 Graduates around the Globe:

A majority of graduates are working in the US: Arizona, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia

Many graduates are working outside of the US: Canada, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom

2023 Salary Data

38% = Average increase in salary that students from all degree programs earned after graduating *

$88,670 =  Average annual salary that students from all degree programs earned after graduating **

* Includes data from the 69 graduates who provided both their current annual salary and last annual salary prior to enrolling at Wagner for full-time positions
** Includes data from the 82 graduates who provided their current annual salary for full-time positions.

NYU Wagner is home to the Gallery Space at Wagner.

Gallery Space

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