MUP - City and Community Planning - Checksheets

MUP: City and Community Planning


Students must complete or waive the following courses:

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
CORE-GP.1011 Statistical Methods None Fall, Spring, Summer 3
CORE-GP.1018 Microeconomics None Fall, Spring 3
CORE-GP.1020 Management and Leadership None Fall, Spring, Summer 3
CORE-GP.1021 Financial Management None Fall, Spring, Summer 3
URPL-GP.1603 Urban Planning: Methods and Practice Co-Requisite: CORE-GP.1011 Spring 3
URPL-GP.2660 History and Theory of Planning None Fall 3



Students must complete the following courses:

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
URPL-GP.1605 Land Use Law None Spring 3
URPL-GP.1620 Data Analysis, Mapping, and Storytelling None Fall 3
URPL-GP.2608 Urban Economics CORE-GP.1018; Pre-or co-requisite: CORE-GP.1011 Spring 3


III. CAPSTONE [3 credits]

To be eligible for Capstone, all students must have: earned at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, declared a specialization, fulfilled the Professional Experience Requirement, and completed the course prerequisite listed for their choice of Capstone (see below).

Students must complete ONE of the two following pairs:

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites credits
  CAP-GP 3601 (Fall)
CAP-GP 3602 (Spring)
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Urban Planning I & II CORE-GP 1011, CORE-GP 1018;
CORE-GP 1020 or CORE-GP 1021;
URPL-GP: 1603, 1605, 1620, 2608, and 2660
1.5 credits (Fall)
1.5 credits (Spring)
  CAP-GP 3148 (Fall)
CAP-GP 3149 (Spring)
Capstone: Advanced Projects in Applied Research I & II CORE-GP 1011, 1018;
PADM-GP 2902;
URPL-GP 2608;
Two from remaining URPL-GP Core:
1603, 1605, 1620, or 2660
Co-reqs: PADM-GP 2171, can be taken concurrently, but no later than the fall of your Capstone year
1.5 credits (Fall)
1.5 credits (Spring)

IV. ELECTIVES [15 credits] 

Focus Areas

Focus Areas are optional groupings of courses to help you choose your electives. You can go deeper in your degree program and develop more advanced skills by choosing electives within the urban planning focus areas. To pursue depth in a focus area we suggest completing 9 credits. To pursue breadth, you may also choose electives across focus areas. 

Environmental Planning

Whether it is air pollution, deforestation or climate change, as urban regions grow, they continue to have dramatic effects on the global environment. The world's cities will also be dramatically impacted by the very changes that they induce, and these effects will be most felt by already vulnerable populations. It is imperative to the survival of humans society on earth that we understand how to plan cities and regions with the natural environment in mind. What can you do? This focus area will prepare you to make meaningful contributions to the world's most pressing environmental challenges through urban planning and policy.

URPL-GP.2625, Environmental Infrastructure is a key course in this area (recommended to build expertise). 

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
URPL-GP.2415 Public Policy and Planning in New York None Fall 3
PADM-GP.2472 Climate Economics CORE-GP 1018 and co-requisite: CORE-GP 1011; or instructor permission Spring 3
URPL-GP.2612 Smart, Sustainable Planning in Amsterdam Spring 3
URPL-GP.2625 Environmental Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities CORE-GP.1018, CORE-GP.1020, and co-requisite of one of the following courses: CORE-GP.1022, URPL-GP.1603, URPL-GP.2608, URPL-GP.2618, URPL-GP.2631, or URPL-GP.2660. Fall 3
URPL-GP.2645 Planning for Emergencies and Disasters None Spring 3
URPL-GP.2666 Water Sourcing and Climate Change Spring 3
URPL-GP.2680 Urban Design URPL-GP 1620 Spring 3

Global Perspectives

The majority of the world’s population now lives in urban areas though rapidly increasing rates of urbanization are most expected in countries and regions of the world least able to prepare for - much less manage - this growth in the face of climate change, changing geopolitical dynamics and limited resources. This focus area includes courses that cover the institutional, political and economic challenges of planning in least-developed countries and also topics such as international aid effectiveness, local government finance, water management, project appraisal and more. 

PADM-GP.2214, Constructing National Development Strategies and PADM-GP.2245, Financing Local Government in Developing Countries are key courses in this area (recommended to build expertise). 

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
PADM-GP.2165 Policy Implementation: How Plans, Policies and Projects are Put into Action in the Government CORE-GP 1020 and CORE-GP 1022 or URPL-GP 2660 Spring 3
PADM-GP.2202 Politics of International Development CORE-GP.1018, CORE-GP.1022 or URPL.GP 2660, and PADM-GP.2201 Fall, Spring 3
PADM-GP.2203 Economics of International Development CORE-GP.1011 and CORE-GP.1018 Fall, Spring 3
PADM-GP.2211 Program Development and Management for International Organizations PADM-GP.2201 Fall 3
PADM-GP.2213 Immigration Politics and Policy -- Past and Present None Fall 3
PADM-GP.2214 Constructing National Development Strategies None Spring 3
PADM-GP.2245 Financing Local Government in Developing Countries CORE-GP.1018, PADM-GP.2201 Fall 3
URPL-GP.2612 Smart, Sustainable Planning in Amsterdam Spring 3
URPL-GP.2645 Planning for Emergencies and Disasters None Spring 3
URPL-GP.2652 Urban Infrastructure Project Planning CORE-GP 1018 and  CORE-GP 1021.  Spring 3
URPL-GP.2666 Water Sourcing and Climate Change Spring 3

Housing & Economic Development

Learn to plan and build thriving, socially- and economically-diverse communities. The courses in this focus area cover the key elements of a healthy community ecosystem: from the economic theories behind real estate markets to the social theories underlying the importance of community organizations. And then builds practical skills, including how to analyze current planning and policy issues and create new ones.

PADM-GP.2416, Segregation and Public Policy; URPL-GP.4636/38, Housing Policy I and II; URPL-GP.2639, Real Estate Finance; and URPL-GP. 2452, Public-Private Partnerships are key courses in this area (recommended to build expertise). 

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
PADM-GP.2106 Community Organizing None Fall, January, Spring, Summer 3
PADM-GP.2184 Community Based Participatory Action Research CORE-GP 1020 and CORE-GP 1022 Spring 3
URPL-GP.2415 Public Policy and Planning in New York None Fall 3
PADM-GP.2416 Racial Inequality in America: What Do We Do Now? CORE-GP.1011 and CORE-GP.1022, URPL-GP.2660, or MSPP-GP.1022 concurrently Fall 3
PADM-GP.2445 Poverty, Inequality, and Policy None Spring 3
URPL-GP.2452 Public-Private Partnerships, Public Spaces, Politics, & the Press CORE-GP.1011; PADM-GP.2140 or URPL-GP.2608, or permission from the instructor.  Spring 3
URPL-GP.2620 Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in American Cities Spring 3
URPL-GP.2635 Community Equity and Wealth Building Fall 3
URPL-GP.2639 Real Estate Finance CORE-GP.1018, CORE-GP.1021 Fall 3
URPL-GP.2670 Land Use, Housing and Community Development in New York City Seminar None Fall 3
URPL-GP.2680 Urban Design URPL-GP 1620 Spring 3
URPL-GP.4622 Wealth and Inequality Spring 1.5
URPL-GP.4632 Planning Healthy Neighborhoods Spring 1.5
URPL-GP.4636 Housing Policy I CORE-GP.1011, CORE-GP.1018, and CORE-GP.1022 or URPL-GP.2660 Spring 1.5
URPL-GP.4638 Housing Policy II CORE-GP.1022 or URPL-GP.2660 and URPL-GP.4636 Spring 1.5

Transportation & Infrastructure

As the first point of contact in almost every citizen’s journey to an opportunity—be it healthcare, employment, or education—transportation sits at the heart of all major city planning decisions. This focus area emphasizes not only mobility—how quickly and efficiently transportation systems (streets, expressways, subways, buses, bike lanes, parking, ride-hailing) could move people or goods around, but also accessibility—namely the spatial distribution of all opportunities available. It will prepare you to be a new generation of transportation planners—technically savvy, policy sensitive, and socially responsible.

URPL-GP.2631, Transportation, Land Use, and Urban Form; and URPL-GP.2641, Urban Transportation Planning are key courses in this area (recommended to build expertise). 

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
PADM-GP.2144 Debt Financing and Management for Public Organizations CORE-GP.1021 Fall 3
PADM-GP.2149 Cost-Benefit Analysis CORE-GP.1018, CORE-GP.1021 Fall 3
URPL-GP.2415 Public Policy and Planning in New York None Fall 3
URPL-GP.2612 Smart, Sustainable Planning in Amsterdam Spring 3
URPL-GP.2631 Transportation, Land Use, and Urban Form None. Fall 3
URPL-GP.2641 Urban Transportation Planning Spring 3
URPL-GP.2652 Urban Infrastructure Project Planning CORE-GP 1018 and  CORE-GP 1021.  Spring 3
URPL-GP.2680 Urban Design URPL-GP 1620 Spring 3
URPL-GP.4666 Topics in Urban Studies: Infrastructure in Action-Exploring NYC's Libraries, Streets, & Parks Spring 1.5

Urban Analytics

Cities are becoming smarter: they’re using data to optimize services, infrastructure operation, and urban planning. Government agencies, nonprofits, consulting firms, and startups all recognize the importance of leveraging data to create effective public policy and urban plans but grapple with how to analyze large, complex datasets and apply the findings in urban planning environments. This focus area includes courses to help you understand data-driven approaches to tackle today’s most pressing urban challenges. 

PADM-GP.2505, Big Data Analytics; URPL-GP.2618, GIS and Analysis; and URPL-GP.4650, Advanced GIS: Interactive Web Mapping are key courses in this area (recommended to build expertise). 

Course Number Course Name Prerequisites Typically offered credits
PADM-GP.2505 Advanced Data Analytics and Evidence Building PADM-GP.2902; PADM-GP.4506 recommended Spring 3
URPL-GP.2618 Geographic Information Systems None Fall 3
PADM-GP.2902 Multiple Regression and Introduction to Econometrics CORE-GP.1011 Fall, Spring, Summer 3
PADM-GP.4119 Data Visualization and Storytelling CORE-GP.1011 Fall, Spring, Summer 1.5
PADM-GP.4147 Large Scale Data Analysis with Machine Learning I CORE-GP.1011 Spring 1.5
PADM-GP.4148 Large Scale Data Analysis with Machine Learning II PADM-GP.4147 Spring 1.5
PADM-GP.4504 Introduction to Database Design, Management, and Security CORE-GP.1011 Spring 1.5
PADM-GP.4505 R Coding for Public Policy CORE-GP 1011 Fall, Spring 1.5
PADM-GP.4506 Python Coding for Public Policy Fall, Spring 1.5
URPL-GP.4650 Advanced GIS: Interactive Web Mapping and Spatial Data Visualization Spring 1.5

School-wide Focus Areas

In addition to the courses in the urban planning-related elective focus areas above, to gain a breadth of knowledge and skills you may also wish to choose electives from across course offerings, including from the school-wide focus areas. Relevant school-wide focus areas for you to consider as a Urban Planning student include, Communication SkillsHealth Policy and ManagementInequality, Race, and PovertyProgram and Policy Evaluation; and more



Last Updated: October 2020

Authoritative curriculum information can be found exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this webpage, is for informational purposes only. You can find the curriculum for this program on this page of the Bulletin