NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business


While we cannot guarantee capacity for NYU Wagner students in NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business (NYU Stern) courses, you are welcome to request registration for approved courses.  

Cross-registration for non-Stern students opens one to two months after normal Albert registration dates.

  • Fall semester courses: Stern cross-registration begins in June or July
  • Spring semester courses: Stern cross-registration begins in December or January 
  • Summer term courses: Stern cross-registration begins in March or April 

If you would like to request cross-registration for an NYU Stern course, you must follow the detailed cross-registration process outlined below. Always register for backup courses at Wagner in case NYU Stern is unable to meet your request.


Step 1: Determine which NYU Stern classes are available
- Check the courses open to non-Stern students (select “Non-Stern” and semester). The classes and sections that appear on this page are the only classes available to non-Stern students, please do not use Albert to shop around for courses. 
- Choose course(s) and up to 3 alternative choices. The Stern Registrar allows non-Stern students to take a maximum of 6 Stern credits per term.

Step 2: Verify and fulfill prerequisites
Students must fulfill all NYU Stern course prerequisites via one of the following and attach relevant documents to online request form (see below):

  1. Successfully completed the NYU Stern course [must attach transcript]
  2. Successfully completed equivalent course at NYU Wagner - equivalent Wagner course MUST appear on this spreadsheet, no other equivalents will be accepted [equivalents approved by Stern]
  3. Earned an undergraduate major or masters in subject area [must attach transcript]
  4. Passed Stern proficiency exam [must attach documentation] - review the proficiency exam schedule and email Wagner Academic Services to schedule a proficiency exam
  5. Obtained CPA license [must attach documentation of certification]

Step 3: Obtain approval (if course is NOT on Pre-Approved Electives List)
- Follow the specific instructions.

- Please note that NYU Stern professors do not manage course enrollment, requisites, or the registration process. NYU Stern professors cannot override closed or restricted courses nor can they provide prerequisite waivers.

- If course is on the Pre-Approved Electives List, skip Step 3 and proceed to Step 4. 

- Complete the cross-registration form (leave all of the "Adviser Information" area blank. Wagner Academic Services will fill in this section.).

- Students must note how the prerequisite(s) was fulfilled. (More information on prerequisite equivalency)

- If course does not have prerequisite, write "none" and "n/a" on form.

*Must note in "comments" section at bottom of cross-registration form if student is a Wagner doctoral student or has been accepted to an application-only Stern course [attach approval email from Stern instructor].

Step 5: Compile supporting documents

- Combine cross-registration form with Wagner's approval to take the course (only if the course is not on the pre-approved list), and proof of meeting the prerequisite (only if it was via non-NYU coursework) into one PDF to submit to Wagner's online form (see step 6).

Step 6: Attach and submit documents via WAGNER’S ONLINE FORM.

Fall timeline: Priority requests for Fall 2024 must be submitted via the online form by 5pm EST on June 10. The deadline to submit Fall 2024 requests is either 1 week before the class begins or by August 26 at 5pm (whichever is sooner).



Fall 2024 Stern Timeline

May 28 (5pm): Priority deadline to submit non pre-approved registration requests to Wagner Student Services.

June 10 (5pm): Priority deadline for approved registration requests via Wagner's online form.

Either 1 week before the class begins or by August 26 at 5pm (whichever is sooner): Deadline to submit approved registration requests via Wagner's online form.


Students must use their permission code within the timeline allotted by Stern on Albert. If a student does not use the code by the allotted, the code will expire and s/he will lose the ability to register for that course.

If you received a permission code and decide not to register for the course, you must notify Academic Services so they can notify Stern to have your name removed from the roster.

Since NYU Wagner does not control non-Wagner cross-registration, once we submit a cross-registration request to NYU Stern, unfortunately we cannot approximate when we will receive results for your request. Please plan on a minimum of three weeks. Always register for backup courses at Wagner in case NYU Stern is unable to meet your request.

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