Wagner Student Spaces at 105 E 17th Street

We’re excited to offer spaces for Wagner students at our new home at 105 East 17th Street. 

Dedicated Spaces for Wagner Students: 2nd Floor

Student Lounge and Pantry

Located on the south side of the 2nd floor along 17th Street, the student lounge space has chairs and tables for students to study, socialize, and catch up. A black and white printer is available for student use. The Wagner Student Pantry is directly off the student lounge and features a refrigerator and microwave. 

Student Meeting Rooms

We have three meeting rooms available on the 2nd floor for group study: 

  • Meeting Room A (250)
  • Meeting Room B (256)
  • Meeting Room C (208)

To reserve one of these rooms, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Calendar
    • Sign in to Google Calendar with your NYU account.
    • Make sure the shared calendars for the meeting rooms are visible under “My Calendars” or “Other Calendars.”
  2. Create a New Event
    • Click on the desired date and time to create an event.
    • In the pop-up window, do the following:
      • Add a clear event title.
      • Confirm the correct date and time for your booking.
      • In the “Calendar” dropdown, select Meeting Room A (250)Meeting Room B (256), or Meeting Room C (208) to book the room.
  3. Save Your Booking
    • Review your event details and click “Save” to confirm the booking.
  4. Modify or Cancel Your Booking
    • If you need to make changes or cancel, click on the event and select “Edit” or “Delete.”
    • Note: Be careful when editing; your permissions allow you to change all events on the room’s calendar.

If a room is empty and not reserved, you can book it on the spot, following the above steps.

Student Phone Booths

We also offer three phone booths on the 2nd floor that Wagner students can use for quiet, individual study or employer interviews:

  • Phone Booth 1 (286)
  • Phone Booth 2 (288)
  • Phone Booth 3 (290)

On-the-Spot Bookings: These can be reserved on the spot using the screen outside each booth.

Student Group Event Spaces

Lastly, we have two event spaces on the 2nd floor for Wagner Student Groups to host events:

  • Event Space A (270)
  • Event Space B (274)

These spaces are generally reserved for Wagner's Student Group events. Outside of scheduled events or room set-up times, these event spaces may be used as a study space. Room reservation screens will display upcoming events, so you’ll know when the space is reserved. Please do not remove or rearrange furniture; keep it in the default setup.

Additional Quiet Study Spaces are available on the north side of the 2nd floor.

Dedicated Spaces for All Students: Ground Floor

Ground Floor Spaces

The ground floor houses three student lounge spaces—two located on the north side and one on the south side—featuring comfortable couches, chairs, and tables for students to study and connect. Students will also find a wellness and nursing room, as well as a filtered water fountain to stay refreshed throughout the day.

If you have any questions, contact wagner.activities@nyu.edu.