Amsterdam, Netherlands

Smart, Sustainable Planning in Amsterdam

Amsterdam canal bridge with bicycles and water in the background


URPL-GP 2612 | Syllabus

This one-week travel class to Amsterdam offers an immersive journey into the heart of sustainable urbanism. The course offers a unique opportunity for students to delve deep into the city's pioneering approaches to sustainable mobility, climate adaptation, and urban tech. Through a combination of expert-led lectures, site visits, and interactive activities, students will gain invaluable insights into Amsterdam's integrated urban planning strategies, exploring how this historic city has evolved into a global leader in sustainable urban development, and relating lessons learned into our home city of New York.



Amsterdam, Netherlands

map of the netherlands



This course will run from March 23-30, 2025.

The pre-course meeting is on March 6, 2025, from 4:55-6:35.

The final course meeting is on May 1, 2025, from 4:55-6:35.



Space is limited, so we encourage you to submit your application by the priority deadline of October 8, 2024. All applications are due by October 15, 2024

Apply Today


Student request registration for this 3 credit course. A permission number will be granted upon acceptance into the course. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Upper-level undergraduate students seeking to take the course for credit must first gain approval from their advisor and then contact for registration procedures.

Non-matriculated, non-NYU, and non-credit participants should contact for more information.

For all inquiries about the program, contact



Professor Sarah Kaufman, Director, NYU Rudin Center for Transportation & Assistant Clinical Professor of Public Service



Tuition: This is a 3-credit course.

NYU students: this course counts toward your spring course load and tuition. Tuition will be due based on the Bursar's Payment Schedule for summer. Bursar’s payment deadline dates.



Program Fee: $1850. Cost is subject to change based on final itinerary. This fee is non-refundable.

A deposit of $250 is due upon acceptance into the course. The program fee is payable by credit card. Payment is due within one week of approval to participate in the course and is refundable until November 15, 2024. Program fees include: accommodations, private transportation to site visits, an opening and closing dinner, and all entrance fees to sites.



Participants will reside in double-occupancy hotel accommodations in Amsterdam. Throughout the course, students will be transported via public and private transportation. Accommodations are included in the program fee. 




Flight: International airfare to and from the program location is not included in the program fee. Students can book their own travel to coincide with program dates or can opt to travel with the group for a reduced airfare rate. Students should not purchase their tickets before receiving proper instructions to do so. 

Passport: All program participants are required to have a valid passport, which must be valid for up to 6 months after the course date, not before.

International students are reminded to check their visa to determine whether it is a "single" or "multiple" entry and must follow the regulations regarding entry. Typically, only a single entry visa is granted. The decision as to whether you will get one entry or multiple entries is solely up to the consulate officer issuing the visa. The staff at NYU OGS and NYU Shanghai have no control or influence in this decision. Students may read background information at the Consulate page.



Please join us for one of the following information sessions.

#1: Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4:30 pm | NYU Wagner, room 302 
#2: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 12:00 pm | Zoom

Please reach out to for more information. 

NYU Wagner is home to the Gallery Space at Wagner.

Gallery Space

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