Online Courses

Wagner offers a limited selection of online courses. The courses combine live synchronous class meetings with asynchronous learning elements based on educational research and sound pedagogical practices. 

You may use the Albert Course Search to determine if an online course is being offered in a specific semester.

While you engage in online courses, the expectations for participation and conduct are the same as if you were taking the class in person.

  • Attend all class meetings. Wagner's online courses meet in a live, synchronous format. They cannot be completed asynchronously. Similar to an in-person course, attendance is required. 
  • Be involved and active in your courses, including enabling your microphone and video camera.
  • Approach online courses with the same academic rigor, commitment, and discipline as an in-person course.
  • Access course materials, lectures, group discussions, etc., in the online environment, and do not share course materials, including video meetings, with individuals who are not enrolled in the course unless you received explicit approval from the instructor.
  • Be mindful of your language and tone, and do not use offensive, inappropriate language or images in communication, e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, submitted assignments, or background images and settings in Zoom and other video platforms.
  • Treat each other, instructor(s), and all other staff members with courtesy and respect.
  • Post discussions related to coursework only. Postings of a personal or non-academic nature are not permitted.
  • Talk privately to your instructor regarding grades and personal issues.

Steps for success in an online course

  1. Establish a productive space: Creating a regular workspace will help you to stay organized. Knowing where important dates, files, forms, syllabi, books, and assignments live will help keep you on track to hitting your goals. When setting up your study space, ensure a good internet connection, have your required course materials, and have headphones for live sessions.
  2. Practice Time Management: Set yourself up for success by allocating specific times to work on your course(s). Have a set time to look over the tasks for every one of your classes so that you can set up an agenda for each week. In doing this, you won’t mistakenly forget to turn something in.
  3. Actively Participate: Participate in the course’s discussion to help you better understand course materials and engage with classmates, which may include replying to a classmate's discussion post, being a topic leader, asking questions, and more. Engaging with your classmates helps to maintain that sense of collaboration and community.
  4. “Chunk” your workload: “Chunking” refers to taking a large task or a large amount of information and dividing it into smaller units. Instead of staring at a computer screen for three hours, try “chunking” your time by breaking up large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. And then, take a break in between to refresh and reset.
  5. Make it personal. Think critically about how that assignment could help you in the future and connect the task to what you’re interested in already.


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