It is your responsibility as a student to be aware of the refund deadlines posted on the NYU Bursar's website and on NYU’s Academic Calendar.
In the fall, spring, and summer terms, course drop and refund deadlines vary and are linked to the course's session within the term, as noted on NYU’s Academic Calendar. January term courses follow a single course drop and refund deadline that is also listed in NYU’s Academic Calendar.
If you withdraw from a course after its add/drop deadline, you will receive NO refund of tuition and fees.
For courses that begin after their session’s add/drop deadline, you may still drop the course by submitting a class withdrawal request in Albert by the business day following the first class meeting, or prior to the second class meeting, whichever comes first. Wagner Academic Services will process such requests as course drops, without a W appearing on your transcript and with 100% refund of tuition and fees. This policy only applies to Wagner students taking Wagner courses; courses outside of Wagner may not be eligible for refund.
If you completely withdraw from all of your courses after the first day of the semester, please note there is a different refund schedule: fees are not refundable after the first day of the semester and there is only a partial tuition refund after the first week.
You must consult the NYU Office of the Bursar for more information.
Under extraordinary circumstances (e.g. documented medical emergency), students may petition for a refund of tuition. [Enrollment deposits as well as registration fees are non-refundable.] Please contact to inquire about the petition process.
Students should consult the NYU Office of the Bursar for more information about refunds and specific dates.