OCS Conference Funding Submission

Event Photo:

The beginning of the conference.

Keynote speaker

One of the workshops.

Name: Bonnie Tang


Specialization: PNP-Social Impact, Innovation & Investment

Conference Host Organization/Institution: Asians in Advertising

Conference/Competition Name: Breaking Barriers Summit 2024

Conference Term: Spring Conference Start Date: 2024-05-03 Conference End Date: 2024-05-03

What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
For the most part, I learned that having a supportive network is just as important as building and fostering a sense of community within one's workplace. There's a difference between a sponsor and a mentor. A sponsor opens doors for you, brings you into conversations, and looks out for you even when you're not asking. A mentor tries to guide you in your career since they're usually in a higher position but aren't as proactive as sponsors.

How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
I met a lot of working professionals in managerial positions at different companies in different sectors so that was nice to learn more about their work and what they do.

What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
Reaching out to some of the speakers and following up on conversations with people. There was a good amount of New Yorkers, so I do plan on prioritizing those connections first and foremost.

What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
There's so many of them out there! I found this conference through different search terms so I could network with people outside of NYC and learn from them.

Wagner Areas of Impact: Finance, Leadership, Nonprofits, Social Innovation