OCS Conference Funding Submission

Event Photo:

@Carly Gubitz and I

Framework for culturally responsive education


Name: Hannah Leverenz


Specialization: PNP-Public Policy Analysis

Conference Host Organization/Institution: Metro Center, NYU Steinhardt

Conference/Competition Name: Equity Now: 70 Years of Brown vs. Board Conference

Conference Term: Summer Conference Start Date: 2024-05-17 Conference End Date: 2024-05-17

What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
My takeaways from the conference was that we still need to made systemic, concrete changes to our education system to ensure resources and opportunities are equitably distributed. We all can play a part through community organizingm advocacy, classroom practices, policy and governance, and even through having conversations with others who don't share the same views. I was also inspired by Gholdy Muhammed's words on joy in the classroom and through learning, which is often contradictory to the standardized, performance based metrics we use to evaluate learning. Through this lens, it is important to re-evaluate how we view school and learning.

How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
My participation in this conference supports my professional development by providing me with more insight into current research and future directions for standardized testing. I was able to attend a breakout session on the topic, which heavily ties into my work at the Independent Budget Office education team, where we are looking for ways to measure learning and teacher evaluations in New York City. Furthermore, I was able to network with other, more established professionals in the education and education policy field.

What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
Some action items that the conference has inspired are for me to continue researching ways to capture and measure learning that are not based on standardized tests that are not culturally responsible or flexible. Furthermore, I want to continue exploring equitable practices for education funding and distribution that are rooted in community needs. In my own work, it is important to be data-driven, but even moe so to be in touch with affected communities.

What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
When attending a conference, it is important to go into sessions with an open mind, knowing that your beliefs will be challenged and that you may change your perspectives as you hear from others and learn from new research. Personally, I sometimes find it hard to be open-minded or change my beliefs, but having discussions with people who don't share the same views and values is invaluable in personal growth and professional development.

Wagner Areas of Impact: Education, Government, Inequality, Race, and Poverty