OCS Conference Funding Submission

Event Photo:

Me and my co-authors presenting our research as a poster at SRCD

Name: Helena Wippick


Specialization: PNP-Public Policy Analysis

Conference Host Organization/Institution: SRCD.Org

Conference/Competition Name: Society for Research in Child Development

Conference Term: Spring Conference Start Date: 2023-03-23 Conference End Date: 2023-03-26

What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
I learned a lot about the present state of research in child development and in particular issue areas of importance to the field. One main takeaway that many presenters articulated is how many of the issues they've identified and attempted to target in their (primarily) interpersonal interventions are actually structural in nature -- e.g. a mindfulness intervention for parents and children living in poverty. Many of the researchers were forthright in identifying that they were "tinkering around the edges" rather than being able to address the root causes which often require large-scale societal and structural change.

How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
It was a great networking opportunity to meet collaborators that I have worked with remotely in person and to meet new folks with similar research and professional interests. I got the contact info of several researchers I did not previously know and was able to connect and reconnect with other folks from my prior experiences.

What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
I definitely left with a new set of analyses and potential research questions that I felt invigorated to explore. I also left with a better understanding of the growth and shortcomings of the field in general and what topics seem like there is lots of research on and areas that need more focus and exploration.

What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
I would say take it easy on yourself and build in lots of breaks. There are so many events to go to that trying to do everything is a certain way to get exhausted and not get the most out of your experience. I would prioritize engaging well with a smaller number of sessions (including asking questions during Q&A, staying after to chat with researchers, going to networking events) over attending a million sessions / presentations.

Wagner Areas of Impact: Education, Health, Inequality, Race, and Poverty