OCS Conference Funding Submission
Event Photo:
Welcome panel on 11/21
Workshop about the history of philanthropy with Rajiv Khanna from Thousand Currents on 11/22
Panel about the state of the movement on 11/23
Name: Lina Dieudonne
Specialization: PNP-Advocacy & Political Action
Conference Host Organization/Institution: Resource Generation
Conference/Competition Name: Making Money Make Change
Conference Term: Fall Conference Start Date: 2024-11-21 Conference End Date: 2024-11-24
What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
I learned so much at Making Money Make Change! I learned that there is a long history of wealthy people organizing each other to redistribute money to social justice movements, I learned about the history of philanthropy and how it ties into global events. I learned about various movements within philanthropy such as reparative giving, land back, and divestment. I learned about policy debates happening with regard to philanthropy such as the Donor Revolt’s agenda. And I also learned how to engage in a transformative fundraising conversation.
How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
This conference was incredibly helpful in terms of networking! I met so many people working at organizations I admire who are trying to reform the investment and philanthropy world such as Jessyca Dudley from Bold Ventures, Kuru Masomere from Justice Funders and Rajiv Khanna from Thousand Currents. This conference also allowed to learn more what is happening in the social justice philanthropy space currently, which I feel will be helpful when I apply to organizations in this space.
What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
I definitely want to dig deeper into how to leverage “the 95%” that foundations hold in their endowments for social justice. I met so many people working in that space and my Capstone is also on this topic. It inspired me to do an independent reading in the spring with Andrea Armeni, which blends two courses that are not being taught then: “Community Equity and Wealth Building” and “The Intersection of Finance and Social Justice”.
What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
Take plenty of notes because you will want to reflect on them once the conference is over! It is all so intense and goes so fast that having material to look back on is super helpful. Also, talk to as many people as you can and don’t forget to connect with people via LinkedIn or over email after the conference ends so you can stay in touch!
Wagner Areas of Impact: Finance, Housing, Inequality, Race, and Poverty, International Development, Leadership, Nonprofits, Social Innovation