OCS Conference Funding Submission

Event Photo:

Sarah Casey at the American College of Healthcare Executives Annual Congress

Name: Sarah Casey


Specialization: HPM-Health Services Management

Conference Host Organization/Institution: American College of Healthcare Executives

Conference/Competition Name: American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Annual Congress

Conference Term: Spring Conference Start Date: 2024-03-25 Conference End Date: 2024-03-27

What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
I found it very illuminating to connect with people from all across the country and learn why they’re passionate about healthcare. The differences were very interesting but at the same time, we’re all united by the same thing. Seeing so many people in one place who work in the same field was inspiring and renewed my excitement about the path I’m on. I left the conference feeling more empowered to reach out to people whose career paths I find interesting. I also want to be sure my next step in my career will push me out of my comfort zone.

How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
Attending ACHE gave me a boost of confidence when it comes to networking and meeting new people. After working remotely and being in school, it was good to flex those muscles. I plan to implement the practices I had at ACHE as I embark on my job search by being open to meeting new people, being inquisitive, and not being afraid to connect with others. I particularly enjoyed the sessions geared towards early careerists and am still thinking about the advice from one panelist to “seek discomfort”, as that is the area where you will grow and learn the most.

What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
I’m interested in pursuing an administrative fellowship, and I met a lot of current fellows that I plan to reach out to soon to learn more about their experience. While I’d like to stay in the New York area, I’m looking forward to learning about how fellowships work in other parts of the country to help me understand what will be the next best step for my career.

What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
I would highly recommend that other Wagner health students attend ACHE. Learning in the classroom is great, but hearing about how the concepts we learn about are being implemented in the real world is invaluable. It’s an excellent networking opportunity with so many attendees from the New York area and around the world who are eager to help students and people early in their career. My advice to future Wagner attendees would be to attend as many events and sessions as possible and never hesitate to strike up a conversation with someone, as you never know where it may lead.

Wagner Areas of Impact: Health, Leadership, Nonprofits