MPA-PNP, MPA-Health, and MUP Specialization Change Form

Prior to filling out this form, make sure to discuss your specialization change with your Student Services Program Advisor to make sure stay on track.

1. Student Information

All fields marked with * are required.

Degree & Program
Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy
Health Policy & Management
Urban Planning

Please enter the term and year you expect to complete your degree (i.e. Spring 2021)

2. Current Specialization

Please indicate your current specialization. If you are an incoming student, please enter what you indicated in your admissions application.

3. Specialization change

Select your new specialization within your degree program only. DO NOT fill out this form if you are requesting to change in degree and/or program (i.e. MPA to MUP or MPA-PNP to MPA-Health). You must contact your Student Services Program Advisor if this is the type of change you are requesting.

For more information about advisement, visit the Advisement & Resources page.

4. Reason for Specialization Change

If you haven't already, make sure to discuss your specialization change with your Student Services Program Advisor. Once your Program Advisor has approved your change, your specialization will be updated in Albert within 10 business days.